SESSION 45: A Step Deeper (29MAY17)
Nothing like waking up in the carrion filled nest of some sort of giant creepy crawly. This was probably an omen of the day but we ain’t all dat brite. Unfortunately, the haze of time has clouded my vision. Our hobos went in, ran into some ghastly undead, ran afoul of a crawling horde and were forced to run away. Things were going south very fast but our gang were able to fall back to a choke point and beat back the horde of ghouls and their leaders. Our troupe were rather beat up, and yet full of loot, at this time and decided on a tactical redeployment, back to Helix. Back home did our little birds run.
Carla the Green Canon of TMB (C6) 36784 xp +10% <50001> CRT 1d12/III
Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm
Bimbles the Canon of GSS (C6) 34222 xp +5% <50001> CRT 1d12/III
Hobo Steve the Swashbuckler (F5) 32353 xp +5% (101) <32501> CRT 1d24/V
Rahgnar the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 28301 xp <35001> CRT 1d20/IV
Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)
Raul the Wayfarer (MD5) 29722 xp <30000> CRT 1d20/II
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.
Boris the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 30899 xp <35001> CRT 1d20/IV
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face
Sloth the Charger (L4) 14767 <16800> CRT 1d20/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s,m)
Lenardo the Technician (S5) 18854 xp <25000> CRT 1d10/I
Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand
The Henchmen
Mar the XXXX (J5) 21415 <40000> CRT 1d20/II
Arnd Cobblestone the Dwarven Hero (D4) 8846 <17501> CRT 1d16/ IV
Ding-We the Thaumaturgist (W5) 31255 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I
Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated
Bunny the Filcher (T6) 25535 xp <40001> CRT 1d24/II
Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY5) 37570 <65001> CRT 1d12/II
Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen
Brule Armstrong the Swordsman (F3) 5175 xp <8125>
Mighty Yord the Slayer (B3) 10801 <16251> CRT 1d14/III
Mighty Nord the Slayer (B3) 11714 <16251> CRT 1d14/III
Hrolga the Violent Vixen Amazon (CC4) +1338+526+512 CRT 1d16/IV
Elapsed Campaign Time
104 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)
Join us for session forty-six when we ask the questions:
Tale of the Tape
Ghouls (16)
Ghasts (5)
Kinetic Spectre
Runic Golem (2)
Groaning Spirit
Greater Crypt Shade
3459 gp
Mithril w/Electrum inlay death masks (8)
Ancient Manuscripts
Mummification rites
Ivory Circlet
Gold Goblet
Ivory Ring
Platinum Dagger Scappard
Eleven Shortbow +2
CURSED (insanity) Gold Rhyton
Runic Tablets (8)
Penguin Broadsword +3 Frostbrand
Platinum Nose Ring w/Huge Exquisite Ruby
Coral Cloak Clasp
Jade Bracelet
Platinum Goblet
Silver LS scappard inlaid w/ small black opals
Silver Bracelet p
Jade ring
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