Friday, 27 November 2020

Bump in the Night (Session 47)

 SESSION 47:  Mostly Sleeping (26Jun17)

            We awoke in a quiet, cold and damp tomb. Things could be better, they could also be worse. First it was scratching and then it became knocking that was heard from behind the door to our sleep tomb. No rest for the living as they say. Once camp was broken we pressed on, no sign of the knockers was found. We came upon two statues that appeared to be gargoyles but they were actually green slime puking traps. This caused some mayhem and allowed Peg-Leg the Wight to ambush Rahgnar for a tasty bit of life-draining. 

            Further along were a host of other treasure laden crypts, vengeful dead, and a golem made of gems. Things were moving along rather smoothly until they pried open a door that housed a mountain of wealth and a skeletal naga. Simultaneously, a gaggle of corpses launched an attack from a hidden door.  This diverted the party from the naga and very nearly proved the death of our dear hobos as it combined powerful magics with nasty physical potency. By the grace of the Fates, Steve and Sloth narrowly avoided death by the end of the battle. Our crew unanimously decided that it would be a good idea to seal themselves in the naga’s crypt to rest and recuperate. Long live the 15 minute work day.  Maybe this rest cycle will be quieter. 


Carla the Green Canon of TMB (C6) 43506 xp +10% <50001> CRT 1d12/III
    Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the Canon of GSS (C6) 40944 xp +5% <50001> CRT 1d12/III

Hobo Steve the Myrmidon (F6) 38975 xp +5% (101) <70001> CRT 1d30/V

Rahgnar the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 35023 xp <xxxx> CRT 1d20/IV
    Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Raul the Ranger (MD6) 36444 xp <50000> CRT 1d24/II
    Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils

Boris the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 37621 xp <xxxx> CRT 1d20/IV
    Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face 

Lenardo the Technologist (S6) 25576 xp <xxxx> CRT 1d10/I
    Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

            The Henchmen

Arnd Cobblestone the Dwarven Hero (D4) 12607 <17501> CRT 1d16/ IV

Sloth the Roughneck (L5) 18340 <36960> CRT 1d24/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)


Ding-We the Thaumaturgist (W5) 31255 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated 


Elapsed Campaign Time

109 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session forty-eight when we ask the questions:

We must be close to the pit of chaos, right?

Are we going to consider cloning Ramrod?

Why is always Rahgnar that gets drained?

How much loot can we carry before we are crawling?

Tale of the Tape

Rahgnar the favoured place to drain life force lost 58% of a level, thanks Peg-leg!


Green slime (2) 

Peg-leg the Wight 

Gargoyles (2) 

Heucava (9) 

Gemstone golem 

Crypt Knight 

Skeletal naga 

Ravenous dead (6) 

Coffer corpses (2) 


EP: 6000
GP: 8000

Runic tablets (3)

Wand of mirror image (??? charges)
Potion of Giant Control 

Scroll: Ward against Undead

Shield +3

Siverware 80 gp

Circlet 90 gp

Gold broach 130 gp

Black opals (4) 500 gp each

Gems (16) Moss Agate-10 gp, Moonstone-250 gp, Banded Agate-10 gp, Chrysoprase-100 gp, Lapis Lazuli-25 gp, Moss Agate-25 gp, Rock Crystal-75gp, Onyx-100 gp, Banded Agate-10 gp, Citrine-250 gp, Star Rose Quartz-75 gp, Turquoise-10 gp, Tiger Eye Agate-10 gp, Tiger Eye Agate-25gp,Blue Quartz-50 gp, Citrine-250 gp Total Value: (1275 gp)

Scarab shaped rubies (2) 120 gp each

Silver death Mask 550 gp
Gems (11): Azurite-10 gp, Carnelian-250 gp, Carnelian-75 gp, Tiger Eye Agate-25 gp, Turquoise-50 gp, Malachite-10 gp, Citrine-250 gp, Tiger Eye Agate-50 gp, Moss Agate-10 gp, Star Rose Quartz-75 gp, Hematite-25gp. Total Value: 830 gp.
Jewelry: (23): Clasp-700 gp, Medallion-200 gp, Necklace-1800 gp, Seal-200 gp, Bracelet-50 gp, Arm band-400 gp, Bracelet-500 gp, Necklace-30 gp, Sceptre-1800 gp, Decanter-500 gp, Medal-300 gp, Coffer-700 gp, Medal-30 gp, Coffer-1400 gp, Seal-50 gp, Goblet-200 gp, Medal-10 gp, Bracelet-400 gp, Pendant-700 gp, Necklace-20 gp, Ring-1000 gp, Statuette-20 gp, Sceptre-600gp. Total Value: 11610 gp.

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