Monday, 24 August 2020

The Weed of Murder Bears its Fruit (Session 9)

 SESSION 9: The Long Awaited Scene (13 Sept 15)

NOTE: Wherein we gave Courtney Cambell's Dungeon Master Aid 3, "Solving the Social Trap" a try to manage a court scene.   

Bed and food, but not in that order is the plan, and like every good MurderHobo plan we put a bit of a wrench in it. 

Bang! Bang! 

At the front door it came.

Not murder by rat/man, thug or beast.

But a vile turd of a humanoid jabbing an envelope towards our inquiring Hobos.

A proffered item accepted.

“You have been served! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhah…cough cough…” 

And then it ran away leaving many the confused look in its wake.

“I guess we should open this since its addressed to Ramrod and the MurderHobos that were involved in the heinous activities at the House of Erasmus Sylvester on the night of…” blah blah blah.

They were summoned to a “union” house along the River Effluent the following day at ten AM and requested to bring all materials purloined from the estate. And so they did. Greeted by guards who led them in to a waiting auditor whom collected and began cataloguing the Hobos heist. They were led into another chamber to meet their fate. Worse than hanging guts, penis for hand and backwards arms I did do hope.

They were introduced to the four judges:

            Alfie Snitchbottom – Grey Services Union Conflict Resolution Manager, a provincial yet liable fellow that really should leave home.

            Zaccheaus Jericho – Level 3 Taxation Agent fro the Council of Proper Apportionment, he’s pompous and a tax collector seems to make sense to me.

            Don-Ho Trumpet – Merchants Collective Outside Interference Officer, garrulous and verbose can’t be easy when you are constantly puking into a bucket.

            Al Calhones – Grey Services Union Representative Denethix Proper Region, clearly the boss here and quick to get that point across but also definitely a weirdo. You can see it around his eyes and the scent of Ankheg naughty bits on his breath

            It seems that Eerie Frank and his crew showed up shortly after the group’s eventual egress. Of course EF&C quickly discovered Erasmus’s mangled corpse and entered the property and house proper far ahead of schedule. The story of their findings was grossly detailed in a previous dispatch. The judges were greatly unsettled by this account and then looked to our protagonists to explain how a simple, and authorized, smash and grab turned into ritual slayings fit for the most despicable of wizards. 

            Witnesses were called, Eerie Frank, a grovelling worm of a man, and Nabob Leegon, Grey Services Employment Co-coordinator Denethix alleyway 42F SoS and a fellow always willing to talk about the benefits of atheism. Questions were raised but points were also corroborated.  Backwards arms waved, penis hands offended and gutbuckets stunk up the joint. And eventually Ramrod and the MurderHobos excluding those jerks that were elsewhere we found to be unanimously not guilty of contract violation. In a bureaucracy one never fucks with process and processing. The party would need to give up all “personal” artifacts and business documents in exchange for the Merchants Collective dropping the hit put out on them and one-time access to the Grey Services Union Executive Restoration Services. The mangled would be whole again and they would not have the ire of the MC to worry about, pretty damn good all in all. Not all things were roses and stuff though, our man from Taxation determined that the deviation in contract had raised the rate to the level of “clepto” and required immediate remuneration into the city’s coffers and reestablish proper apportionment.    

            Off to the Temple of Putragia, goddess of the unseen where they met the priest, known as CC, of the aforementioned goddess. A short and charismatic fellow CC most certainly looks like he should be the “dungeon master”. Even though somewhat disappointed that the “more experimental” techniques would not be utilized this day CC worked quickly and effectively to repair our broken (mental and physical) cast members. 

            Arise! Whole and complete, in exclusion of “lasting” things, of course, Ramrod would continue to limp and Carla has nine fingers and is greenish but no longer chaotic. Next they were given an unexpected opportunity to partake in CC’s second career as well. Fence to the Stars! 

            Eventually the Hobos returned home to celebrate their successes and to plan their next move. All was going great until another rapping came upon their door…



Ding-We the Apprentice (W1) 2611 xp

Gweeb the Adept (C2) 2343 xp 

Ramrod the Footpad (T2) 1984 xp

Bimbles the Adept of GSS (C2) 1994 xp



Rahgnar the Dwarven Veteran (D1) 958 xp 


                        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Boris the Dwarven Swordmaster (D2) 2904 xp 


                        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face

Carla the Priestess of TMB (C3) 3229 xp 


                        Light wound: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm 

Calvin the Bold Observer (MM1) 819 xp

Raul the Scout (MD1) 555 xp

Hobo Steve the Veteran (F1) 1306 xp

Lenardo the Student (S1) 594 xp

Figgins the Halfling Veteran (H1) 559 xp


Elapsed Campaign Time

16 days

Join us for session ten when we ask the questions:

Where do we go from here?

Did we get off easy?

Who could be knocking at this time of night?

Tale of the Tape

Everybody got repaired. Yay! We are all happy….





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