SESSION 15: The Big Sleep (18 Jan 16)
…And so another day begins for our treasure mad street urchins. With an apparent disregard for the standing hit to be served, they went out to convert some books into cold hard coinage. We need more! Back to the mountain! But first they hired Robyn the Crier to reel in some more potential recruits. This panned out to be three potential hires: Pete the Porter, Hank the Shank and Smelf the Halfling. Poor Pete was cut loose, since we don’t need no stinking torch-bearing or portering the other two were quickly hired. Now we are ready to get down to business.
So they rented a couple of carriages and with a little foresight they loaded up a few almost ready compatriots as well.
Returning to Chelmfordshire, the shantytown is noticeably larger and the military presence as well. Sure that can’t be a bad sign or nuttin. A little catchin’ up with Dave the Ranger where they learned a few things, most importantly the addition of an “s” at the end of black dragon. Multiple dragon sightings would have been a greater concern for more civilized beings. A little later and our miscreants are hiring even more guns. This results in the most Swedish barbarian of reunions as Mighty Nord steps out to greet his pal Mighty Yord. The Worthless North seems to be a land of lunk-headed clones that are masters of the cleaving ways. As slipping into view from the shadows came she of the pink bouffant hair and chewing gum came Bunny. “Ya’all need someone to open things and other stuff?” “Yes, yes we do. Your hired as soon as you return everything you lifted from us”. Next step was to purchase their delve pass. Returning to the wicket manned by civil servant # 0002759, our friend and yours Ehrm Flinkmetter. “How many?” Its always business with Ehrm, he is such a card. Seeing no window for negotiation the party cleanly closed the transaction. The following morning setting out for the ASE.
The road was busy in both directions with the Iron Fist moving resources about the map. Wounded out, fresh in. Nevertheless back to their still secret entrance they went, back in past the Sarge and into the dungeon to explore further. Finding the very spot they turned around at, a closed door. That revealed another bunch of them big walking mushroom things when the door was kicked in. During the ensuing kerfuffle Rahgnar did attempt to eviscerate himself as the rest of our Hobo squad finished off the motile funguses.
Further into the structure they went. Ding-We slung many the sleep spell to neutralizing hordes of goblins in his wake. Somewhere along the way they discovered a room with a perforated pressure plate with nasty spears waiting to jab any interlopers. The room had two doors, one of which was marked as having an anomaly beyond. Some thinking and a highway of corpses later they found themselves in the “anomalous room!” This was not until after Lenardo proved that geeks ain’t got no motor skills. He stepped off the walkway and was pierced through his foot causing him to drop to one knee to be lanced again this killed him. Fortunately he had his suturepede reloaded after dying last week. This “regular” replacement is gonna get expensive quick. Eight alcoves shrouded in differently coloured mists. In the main chamber a pedestal with a pitcher carved to depict a flying monkey-headed snake. Lenardo showing no fear of a further death embraced the power of Science! And began his investigation of the alcoves. The long and short of it is that he activated two of the anomalies ending up very, very inebriated and flying. No it did not last forever, just 24 hours. After these two “findings” the hobos lost the guts for further experimentation and left the room carefully removing their highway from the floor-spear room. Agreeing to come back later.
Pressing on they encountered more goblins vandalizing the joint and crapping on their completed abstract art pieces. Sleep-death-kill. Shortly afterwards they discovered a messed up hybrid (goblin spider) guarding another lovely chunk of coinage. MurderHobo powers activate! Finally, they came to a room with a bunch more goblins guarding a door. The final sleep was laid down and that was it for the gobs and the Hobos decided to pull out while they still could. Back to Chelmfordshire they went…
Ding-We the Conjurer (W3) 5771 xp
Bimbles the Priest of GSS (C3) 5194 xp
Lenardo the Graduate (S2) 1765 xp
Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand
Rahgnar the Dwarven Veteran (D1) 958 xp
Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)
The Henchmen
Mighty Yord the Warrior (B2)
Mighty Nord the Warrior (B2)
Hank the Shank (0)
Bunny (T2)
Smelf the Halfling (H1)
Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY?)
Carla the Priestess of TMB (C3) 5774 xp +10%
Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm
Hobo Steve the Swordsman (F3) 4142 xp +5% (101)
Boris the Dwarven Swordmaster (D2) 2904 xp
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face
Calvin the Bold Observer (MM2) 2526 xp
Serious wound: permanent loss of INT -1
Ramrod the Robber (T3) 3133 xp +5%
Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)
Scars: Neurological damage to hip noticeable limp
Raul the Drifter (MD2) 2012 xp
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.
Elapsed Campaign Time
35 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)
Join us for session sixteen when we ask the questions:
Who is actually joining us in the bowels of the Anomalous Subsurface Environment?
When are our hobos gonna run afoul of the many things they ignore?
Tale of the Tape
Goblins 12+7+10
Vagrant mushrooms 4
Jawheads 3
Goblin spider
11,000 sp
1,000 gp
12 Citrine gems
Platinum bracelets (2)
Platinum necklace w/Onyx gem
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