Saturday, 29 August 2020

Murder Misfits Unite (Session 13)

 SESSION 13: Is this a geas or what? (14 Dec 15)

…And so smelling like a can of sardines left open in the sun our foul MurderHobos return to their dive on the Street of Students with the rest of the no-good-niks. Much to their surprise it was like resurrection day at the Cult of Personality, mooks rolling about the joint looking for treasure to kill for. Reunions were had and Calvin shared his burning sensation. “Guys I gots dis geas and it burns when I peez and only a stygian rose will fix it”, a room full of clerics thinks this problem goes deeper. Nevertheless the next morning a freshly inflated group went NE in search of a cure for one of Calvin’s social diseases. They get a lead in Denethix, a collector of some notoriety and the mystery of the Stygian rose begins to grow.

            Looking at their “not necessarily accurate map” they determine the town of Harwich is where they need to be. They were wrong but this won’t be the last time our miscreants will be proven not to be details oriented. A carriage ride later they discover the town defined by its massive organ. They disembark just outside the Organ Grinders Lament. In they roll all detective like looking for clues to the question wherein the world is Abelia Prem? No luck finding flower enthusiasts at the local house of swill and so they spread out. To the farmers market, mayors office and the local flower shop, Al’s Big Flowers. Some good eating and drinking is accomplished also probably a very good deal on some second-hand children could have been negotiated but what they actually gleaned was that they were in the wrong town. Damn that not so ground truthed map! We are going to Mellus.

            Arriving in the town of distillation they hit the bricks outside of the Moktar’s Mug. A little bit of class “C” investigating they learn that Abelia Prem has not been seen for 10 years but her home continues to be over there on Sheba-shalla-zowa-wowa-fizzah-sizah street, at the end. These boots were made for walking and that is just what they did. 

            Reaching the property they are greeted by the sound of buzzing bees. Probably something to dowith them hives, no appreciable treasure to be found press on! Ambushed by a spitting gargoyle, quickly terminated and then far too much time scrounging for the treasure that must be there. Dammit! 

            Moving on they discover some crouchy statue guy. Nothing figured out there. The manner sits atop of the hill but there is a beat up atrium just over there. To the atrium for fun and murder and treasure! 

            In they went, to be attacked by buggery little cherubs then trippen on pollen tripping over a spade and through the hole into grandfather toads’ abode. Attacked by a totally bitchy statue mother birthing totally bastard cherubs. Leading to a wine cellar with a secret tunnel leading somewhere. Plants, plants and even more plants and yet no stygian rose. Yet. Eventually finding a room full of thousands of living and dead frogs. Created by the maddest little fey monster you done ever met, Saffron! 

            To let her out or not to let her out, that was the deliberation that went on and on. Eventually the little beastie was freed, by Ding-We, to make that C U N T Abelia pay, pay, fucking pay with blood guts insides outsides all that shit!!! And with that she emptied her insides of a decade or so of “backup”. Nevertheless our skunky little scumbags seem to have a new creature feature, the mad fairy.  Finding a map they believed they now knew where the stygian rose was they returned to the giant oak that shadowed the stairs down into the abyss. Ding-We felt this was an opportune time to test-drive the nifty chestnut thingy found in the lab with the nutty fairy. A channel was opened with the spirit of the tree. “Oh he is gonna be gone for awhile”, Saffron clarified with a fart as she sat apon a clearly trance-ified Ding-We.  Guess we should settle in….


Carla the Priestess of TMB (C3) 5057 xp +10%

            Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Ding-We the Conjurer (W3) 5064 xp +5% (made it by 63) + 250

Gweeb the Priest (C3) 4751 xp  +5%

Bimbles the Priest of GSS (C3) 4447 xp +5% (156)

Hobo Steve the Warrior (F2) 3334 xp +5% (101)

Calvin the Bold Observer (MM2) 1819 xp

Raul the Scout (MD1) 1305 xp

Lenardo the Student (S1) 1058 xp

                        Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Figgins the Halfling Veteran (H1) 1023 xp +5%

                        Light wound: Neurological damage to hip noticeable limp

            The Henchmen

Mighty Yord the Warrior (F2) 

Nancy Wrathful the Warrior (F2) 



Rahgnar the Dwarven Veteran (D1) 958 xp 


                        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Boris the Dwarven Swordmaster (D2) 2904 xp 


                        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face

Ramrod the Robber (T3) 3133 xp  +5%


                        Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)

                        Scars: Neurological damage to hip noticeable limp              


Elapsed Campaign Time

26 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session fourteen when we ask the questions:

So do we go deeper (I know we ask this a lot but we probably should)?

What’s up with the wizard?

Is this fairy work safe certified?


Tale of the Tape

…All went well. No children were eaten during the filming of this episode.

Meet Saffron the psychotic fairy frog queen.

Yolandi Visser in demon makeup. : creepy

                                                                                                                            Image: Die Antwoord



Spouter gargoyle 

Archer Cherubs (4) 

Grandfather Toad 

Stone Mother 


Silver spade 

Elfin wine 2 bttls, 1 open 

Dead fairys (2)

Gargoyle Bits (tongue, teeth, claws, saliva)

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