Monday, 7 September 2020

Who the Hell puts a Tree in Charge? (Session 18)

 SESSION 18: One Bad Apple (3 APR 16)

The party reunites as they prepare to converge on the prize. Raul & Steve kept their heads down and safely avoided mishap as they closed the gap (Denethix to Tranzar's). But first let us go down this passageway over here… and that is how we met Mr. Gravelskin an emaciated stone giant throwing a very special tea party. 

            Gravelskin sitting at the head of a human sized table dressed in foppish cloths. His present guests are three bound and gagged village folk (common simps). Well he demands that our Hobos join in or things could become difficult, not like its avoidable the big guy is super nutty. Eventually, after some mad sputter and talk of eating people swords and stuff starts a-swinging. Dwarves sought cover underneath the table, a sack was discovered and casualties were narrowly avoided (excluding Mr. Gravelskin of course). Around this time the party figures out that the big candle is more than just wax, perhaps even a solution to the wall of fire. Before getting to that though they go down another corridor discovering a space egg with radioactive space zombie included! They stole the owner’s manual and moved along. This lead them to the room with the prizes (Sword & Crown) but they were beyond reach. And so they backtracked to the fire in hopes of later finding a helpful tool to claim the artifacts. 

            The candle deflamed the wall. Revealing the lair of Shezhou the vegetal god. A wicked gnarled tree adorned like Donald trumps Christmas tree with human heads dangling from every branch and an evil countenance on its trunk with two colossal cleaver wielding skeletons flanking it. “Your suffering will be brief, animals. My hunger burns!” The animated behemoths lumbered forward and Shezhou released twisted magics raising a horde of skeleton archers. Our Hobos get a little smart at this point and extinguish the candle to return the barrier between them and the boss monster. We eventually enter into full blown combat. Arrows and oil fly, incantations are recited and advantage swings between groups until finally the Tree burning and broken can no longer weather the onslaught. The Hobos are victorious, the tree that would be god is but cinder. Time to loot! A box with a still beating heart, destroy it! And with that the final mortal remains of Tranzar are destroyed ending his eldritch enchantments. 

            Returning to the chamber of sword & crown we find that they have dropped to the ground. The sword though is in possession of a vast and cold intellect that abhors contact with all but the most pious of goody-two-shoes, demanding delivery to the proper authorities. And so our ragged and yet oddly still living band make for the exit. Coming face-to-face with the beautiful and deadly pit boss from the casino also heading exit stage left. “Don’t even think of fucking with me meat!” she hisses and continues hurriedly in the direction of freedom. 

            Periodically having moments of clarity, the party elects to go down the other corridor that had weird lighting. This leads to a no-longer as functional trap containing three bizarre flying angler fish or birds or bird-fish or fish-birds or whatever. Chop, chop, chop suey. After this the hobos do now decide to get the hell outta Dodge.  Bains & Banes are long gone and ghouls are starting to roam. Out the door and through the forest back to the road where we cut loose the rescued simpies and then back to Chelmfordshire for some rest and ale before making the final push back to Denethix and the Grand Temple to show the gods that these murderin’ hobos can get jobs done. With a bullet.



Carla the Green Priestess of TMB (C3) 6167 xp +10%

            Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Ding-We the Conjurer (W3) 6527 xp +5% (made it by 63) + 250

Bimbles the Priest of GSS (C3) 5950 xp +5% (156)

Hobo Steve the Swordsman (F3) 4507 xp +5% (101)

Lenardo the Graduate (S2) 2521 xp

                        Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Rahgnar the Dwarven Veteran (D1) 1734 xp 

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Raul the Drifter (MD2) 2377 xp

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Swordmaster (D2) 2982 xp 

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face


            The Henchmen

Mighty Yord the Warrior (B2) 

Mighty Nord the Warrior (B2)

Bunny (T2) 

Sloth the Goon (L1) 


Calvin the Bold Observer (MM2) 2526 xp


                        Serious wound: permanent loss of INT -1

Ramrod the Robber (T3) 3133 xp  +5%


                        Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)

                        Scars: Neurological damage to hip noticeable limp              

Saffron the Mad fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY3) 10621

                        REMAINING RECUPERATION: 4 DAYS

                        Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen 


Elapsed Campaign Time

45 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session nineteen when we ask the questions:

Are we gonna get rich or what?

Is it time we take care of that problem we got in Denethix?

Are we in the big leagues yet and why didn’t we answer this the last time it was asked?

Tale of the Tape

No adverse effects to be noted


Mr. Gravelskin

Space Zombies (2) 

Giant skeletons (2) 

Skeleton archers (6) 

Zombies (6) 

Shezhou the Vegetative God 

Angler Fish (3) 

Tranzar’s still beating heart 


Silver ring with ruby inset 

A simple golden band 

A bunch of scrolls (or maybe two, you better keep good records)

The Sword & Crown 

Some potions and special oil

A real nice dagger 

Wooden folding boat

Big giant Ruby (2)  

2000 cp

700 gp

Mr. Bad Whispers rag doll




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