SESSION 22: Treasure Hunt (1JUN 16)
Cleaning off the dirty Trog blood from their weapons our Hobos backtracked to collect there new merc’ army and seal off the general quarters section of the temple. They then collected as much swag as they could carry and made for the city surface to stow away the fruits of their labours.
Nothing is easy, not even leaving your commandeered super secret sewer system cult base. The gatekeepers of Stolas were waiting. Most evidently was a strange new horror, the Owlephant that stampeded the group as a friendly hello. Poor Grumbles stood in awe when he should have dodged, deeked, sprang, rolled or hightailed. He is now Owlephant foot ointment. There were also owlbear lancers but they were quickly stalled by a hold person spell on their owl-were riders. The hobos then broke into teams and made quick work of the opposition. Im certain Stolas is not happy with this final insult but that is a problem for another day. The hobos burdened with treasure and spoils eventually made their way back upto the city proper. Time to sell, bank and learn the joy of back taxes!
Enough screwing around its time to head back to the office, lunchtime is over. The Hobo’s now recalled that they had a treasure map. They opened up the barricade to note that the Blackjacks had been lurking about. Fortunately enough they did not discover the obfuscated door to the treasure. A little bit of wax removal and they were on their way. Needless to say shenanigans occurred and horrible death by firetrap, living statues and mad medusa were avoided.
Feeling lucky they decided to check out the toll ogres and figure out their jiggy. Answers were not forthcoming and murder followed… This was enough fun for one day the Hobo’s made their way back to the surface to stow away their swag and argue about what to blow their savings on.
Carla the Green Curate of TMB (C4) 10340 xp +10% <12501>
Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm
Ding-We the Theurgist (W4) 11200 xp +5% <20001>
Bimbles the Curate of GSS (C4) 10123 xp +5% (156) <12501>
Hobo Steve the Hero (F4) 9108 xp +5% (101) <16251>
Rahgnar the Dwarven Swordmaster (D3) 5907 xp <8751>
Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)
Raul the Bushwacker (MD3) 6578 xp <7500>
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.
Calvin the Bold Planner (MM3) 4060 xp <5600>
Serious wound: permanent loss of INT -1
Lenardo the Adjunct (S3) 3759 xp <6000>
Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand
Boris the Dwarven Swordmaster (D3) 7155 xp <8751>
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face
Ramrod the Burglar (T4) 7217 xp +5% <10001>
Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)
Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp
Bunny the Burglar (T4) 6186 xp <10001>
Saffron the Mad fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY3) 14041 <16251>
Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen
The Henchmen
Mighty Yord the Warrior (B2) 6747 <8125>
Mighty Nord the Warrior (B2) 7560 <8125>
Sloth the Ruffian (L2) 3970 <4200>
Grumbles the Man at Arms 767
All hands on deck
Elapsed Campaign Time
54 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)
Join us for session twenty-three when we ask the questions:
When will we deal with this bloody rat problem?
Where are the BlackJacks?
Tale of the Tape
Grumbles stomped into paste
Acolytes of Stolas (4)
Owl-Were Lancers (2)
Owlbears (2)
Thouls (5)
Living statues, Crystal (4)
Living statues, Iron (2)
Ogres (2)
800 sp
4000 ep
1500 gp
Tanzanite gem (S)
Jeweled scroll tube (S)
Scroll: cont. light, knock, fireball
Medusa jewelry (10 pcs.)
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