SESSION 19: Back into the Belly of the Beast (22 APR 16)
And with heavy sacs our adventurers of the wild made the final push back home to Denethix. With a fresh retinue of hanger-ons close at hand, Stewie, Brian, Grumbles and Doug the ambiguously drunken cleric of affirmative action. A slight delay at the outskirts as the mortal avatar of Stolas drummed up followers. They made double quick to the Grand Temple to complete the sacred mission. After getting held up by security, Flavor-Flav usherd them to a god’s eye and a convenient alter to deposit the Sword & Crown. Comprehending the gods is well beyond mortal understanding, so after a few moments under the baleful scrutiny of the orbital deity known as TMB they were ushered along. Flav assured them that this was a good day and they could be blessed with further missions in the future.
The mob then made there way back to their favourite vendors to off-load surplus goods for bankable cash. They through in a visit to Bleep-Blorp to do some repair work. Finally, Yord took them to the strange shop that had (newly?) appeared just down the way from their apartment. Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe and the shopkeeper Vespero the Antiquarian. Vespero was an odd-fellow a quiet, sickly man who runs the inconspicuous curiosity shoppe at the end of the row. He travels far and often, consulting with inhuman entities and, worse, city folk. Vespero wears the accoutrements of a plague doctor at all times, long black robe, beaked mask, and shoulder-mounted censers, constantly burning incense. Beneath this imposing facade is a frail, sickly man, perpetually malnourished and horribly marked by his dealings with malign entities. Many unique treasures were found here: The Life and Times of Ferris Bueller, old socks, a night cap of good rest, Babel scarab, Broach of Crom, and Grave Claw. With hedonistic abandon our band emptied their pockets onto the counter. Eventually as the coffers ebbed low conversation finally moved onto what Vespero wanted. He is a fixer of the odd, obscure and occult for the shadowy members of society that feed their curious and decadent interests. He is in need of a fresh batch of contractors. Vespero intimated that the hobos have been on his radar for some time. Two vaguely deadly missions were outlined:
1) An ancient war machine had been unearthed
2) A tomb for the robbing
“Think on it, I know that you have been avoiding Denethix with that death mark on ya’all. You probably gotta deal with that problem first. I will be here, unless Im called away but i will be back”.
Food for thought it was. Returning to their abode they were greeted a growing horde of vagrant mentals, wayward children celebrating the hobos accomplishments and by a door with “x x” carved into it.
“This cannot be good”
“Let’s trade it for the neighbours’ door!”
As luck would have it when you live on the Street of Students lots of your neighbours are students by day and so with many thumbs up by their adoring fans the miscreants swapped out the doors. Ramrod used this opportunity to check in with his union representative Nabob in alley way 42f SoS. He sponsored Bunny into the union and got a lead on a potential job that had derailed.
A good nights rest later Saphron was back up pissing, screaming and gratifying herself in Ding-We’s hairdo. So they decided it was time to address their death mark the only way they knew - a healthy dose of murder. Out the door, up the street past the cheese shop and down the storm drain in the back. Well we could stretch this out but let’s not. Hordes of goblins were splatted and worse. Their pet ferrets were skinned, just not before one got ahold of the most recent “red-shirt” (Doug) and pulled his face apart in a grisly mess. There were alos some Hobgoblin boss types, a bunch of beetles that were vivisected and a grisly old gob who knew how to make good use of burning oil. Preparing to go deeper as the rewards have so far significantly outweighed the risk…
ROLECALL (NOTE: all xp totals are beginning of session)
Carla the Green Curate of TMB (C4) 6920 xp +10%
Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm
Ding-We the Conjurer (W3) 7280 xp +5% (made it by 63) + 250
Bimbles the Curate of GSS (C4) 6703 xp +5% (156)
Hobo Steve the Swordsman (F3) 5288 xp +5% (101)
Lenardo the Adjunct (S3) 3274 xp
Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand
Rahgnar the Dwarven Warrior (D2) 2487 xp
Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)
Raul the Drifter (MD2) 3158 xp <3600>
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.
Boris the Dwarven Swordmaster (D2) 3735 xp <4375>
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face
Ramrod the Robber (T3) 3797 xp +5%
Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)
Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp
Bunny the Robber (T3) 2766 xp
The Henchmen
Mighty Yord the Warrior (B2) +1359 +84 +5037 <8125>
Mighty Nord the Warrior (B2)+747+ 84+ 5850 <8125>
Sloth the Ruffian (L2) 2176+ 84
Grumbles the Man at Arms
Stewie the Torchbearer
Brian the Man at Arms
Doug Bickerin the Acolyte of Touchiness (C2)
Calvin the Bold Observer (MM2) 2526 xp
Serious wound: permanent loss of INT -1
Saffron the Mad fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY3) 10621 <16251>
Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen
Elapsed Campaign Time
48 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)
Join us for session twenty when we ask the questions:
How far down does this go? And when do we catch up with the CR?
Will it be much longer until we see Deuce Jenner the he/she were-rat again?
Whose mission is going to be accepted?
Will we ever go to the cornfield?
Tale of the Tape
Doug Bickerin the Acolyte of Touchiness was touched a touch too much by a giant ferret and it cost him his face and lower mandible- dead.
Goblins (24)
Hobs (4)
Giant ferrets (2)
Fire beetles (7)
Battle-axe intricately carved inscriptions
Healing potions (2)
3000 gp
Tourmaline gems (6)
Jeweled golden torc
Black opal necklace
very nice Leather armor (gob sized/ halfling & maybe even dwarf)
Fire beetle fire organs (3)
Silver bracers (4)
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