SESSION 27: Keep on Chooglin’ (1Aug16)
Leaving the burning bridge behind the horde make double time for a place to rest. A cold camp is made just off the road the night passes uneventfully. The morning begins with the claxon of a horn in the distance. Saffron quickly flies off to set up a decoy camp as the rest of the gang prepares an ambush. Amazingly it works. A web dismounts one hunter another falls to the grip of hold person and the third hunter learned what a murderhobo gangbang feels like. They fell upon the hunters like cannibalistic primates no suffering was too much. Sloth eviscerates one of the horses as he launches from the underbrush with his lance. As quickly as it started it was over. Let the looting commence!
Pressing northward, as directed, the hobos discover a giant oak with a man-sized passage in it. Once inside they discover a chamber darkened and yet clearly larger than the tree should be. A pair of piercing yellow eyes watches from the darkness followed by a disembodied voice gives greeting. Stepping forth is an ethereal fox, “So you want to get out of here? Well I got me a hankering for some sacrifices”. Eventually a deal was sealed and our mob gains possession of the first keystone returning them to the maze as if they had never left.
To the next portal they went. A mountainous place offering a precarious trail that leads to a fortress to claim the second keystone. A number of hours later the trail leads into a tight valley. This would be a great place for the imminent ambush to occur. From above two giants hurdle boulders to pin the party down as a horde of orks spill from a cave and two ogres join from the side. Further boulders fly but they miss the mark and the grunts are two disorganized to hit their targets and so our hobos spring to action. The orcs are dropped by duel casted sleep spells and Rufus proves that ogres are still just a snack. With the ambush filing the giants leap into the fray, swinging tree sized clubs. I presume that maybe their eyesight (depth perception) wasn’t all that great. This gave the party the chance to swarm and topple the pair with relative ease. After some looting we moved on. A day and a half later the trail narrows to 3’ pass that drops a 1000’ into the unknown abyss. Another great place for the unwary to be ambushed and so no one really noticed the horde of stirges until they were upon the party. Luck and strong magic sent the bloodsuckers to their end. Unfortunately this allowed a second flock from below to get the jump. Proboscises punched into flesh, Calvin swung wildly as one began to drink from his thigh causing him to loose his footing and begin tumbling to his doom. Bunny, Sloth and Rahgnar all forgot about personal safety and leapt towards Calvin as he rolled towards certain death. He was grabbed at the last possible second. The fight continued but the party motivated by luck and good fortune brought things to an end and made double time to get past this perilous pass. Wounds were bandaged and brows were wiped, not much further now…
Carla the Green Prefect of TMB (C5) 15171 xp +10% <25001>
Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm
Ding-We the Theurgist (W4) 14831 xp +5% <20001>
Bimbles the Prefect of GSS (C5) 14359 xp +5% <25001>
Hobo Steve the Hero (F4) 12739 xp +5% (101) <16251>
Rahgnar the Dwarven Hero (D4) 9538 xp <17501>
Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)
Raul the Hobo (MD4) 11209 xp <15000>
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.
Calvin the Bold Organizer (MM4) 7691 xp <11200>
Serious wound: permanent loss of INT -1
Lenardo the Professor (S4) 7012 xp <12000>
Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand
Boris the Dwarven Hero (D4) 10786 xp <17501>
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face
Bunny the Burglar (T4) 9817 xp <10001>
Saffron the Mad fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY4) 17065 <32501>
Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen
The Henchmen
Mighty Yord the Slayer (B3) 8565 <16251>
Mighty Nord the Slayer (B3) 9478 <16251>
Sloth the Brute (L3) 5588 <8400>
Mar the Jester +140
Hrolga the Amazon +140
Rufus the Marginally Friendly Dire Wolverine
Ramrod the Burglar (T5) 11069 xp +5% <20001> Comatose and invisible
Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)
Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp
Missing six teeth talks with a lisp
Elapsed Campaign Time
63 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)
Join us for session twenty-eight when we ask the questions:
When are we getting to the mountain fortress?
Where is the next keystone?
Tale of the Tape
Calvin died unsuccessfully
Lord Strausburry, Master of the Hunt
Master Vulpine
Jauson, Ovar’s Champion Huntsman
Stone giants (2)
Orks (15)
Ogres (2)
Stirges (44)
7520 gp
3500 sp