Thursday 20 July 2023

So Long Suckers (Session 204)

 SESSION 204: Midnight Blade

Troubles in the wilderness followed by a challenge in camp.

Day 102 CONTINUED - Clear (12.19-0405/0304/0205/0206): Pressing on from the phase spider lair we discovered the harpy roost. The stink really gave it away in advance, acrid feces and rotting meat. The joint was a filthy mess but nary an occupant to be found. It looked like the original encounter wiped out the lot of them – great. Time to loot. Time to be grossly let down yet again. Three gems of middling size that was it. They continued along a pathway that had Stagmen tracks and came out of the twisted forest to an uncharted area. Not far away was a clear ambush spot. It looked the stagmen had a well-established and insidious setup. Luckily our previous labours resulted in an absence of murderers. The gang moved west and then south before camping as they made sure to clear the extents of the hex as they made their way around the dread forest stand.

Day 103 Clear (12.19-0206/0306/0305/0306): While traveling along the western edge of the dread forest, hill giants (3) are once more encountered. It seemed that our gang were feeling a little more murderous today and leapt to the immediate offensive. The giants won initiative and saw our hobos intent so they hurled their sacks. Rhags was creamed by one of them resulting in compression of his spine. This was about it for the trio. Nara crippled one with a mental attack and the other two broke morale after our nearly naked purple girl then blew up their clubs.  They collected their loot an exceptional horde of golden coin. They left the afflicted giant to recover the payout had caused the urge to kill to recede. The rest of the exploration day was uneventful.

Day 104 Clear & Cold (12.19-0306/0406/0505/0606): Things were moving along just until they strode up to the edge of a mud wallow. Inside was a hideous creature likely an abomination even that had a serious stink to it. A body like a giant hippopotamus with pustulant skin a long tail with a club-like end and most bizarre of all an abnormally long neck that ended in an oversized tusk mawed head. The neck was so long that it could barely lift the humungous head. This was good because catoblepas are deadly creatures. Steve activated his ring of jumping and flew into the creature. Somehow someway instantaneous death was avoided. Perhaps because our mob struck first and hard – abominations are not to be trifled with. After, they were convinced that loot must be present so they began rooting through the muck like hogs. They did end up finding two very fine gem-encrusted necklaces. They finished exploring the sub-hex and then called it an early day.

Day 105 Cloudy rain overnight (12.19-0606/0506/0407/0307/0408): A pleasant evening had been spoiled by a notable amount of rain but it did help clean up the members that had been swimming in the mud for cash and prizes. The precipitation eased shortly after camp was broken and simply made for a cloudy day. The forest this day was devoid of wandering creatures to smite. By days end the hex clearing was completed and the lands of Gormandia had grown.

Day 106 Cloudy (12.19-0408/0507à12.20-0704): The hex was now certified ‘free of lairs’. With that the gang agreed the safest way back to the ferry was by water. They marched to the closest spot of the Blood River and pulled out their folding boat. The trip downstream to the ferry was pleasantly uneventful.

Day 107 Clear (12.20-0704): A day of rest at the ferry outpost. 

Day 108 Clear ( à14.22-0303): Travel through cleared and patrolled hexes to the slate mine and outback church of TMB.

Day 109 Unusual – strange green mist (14.22-0303): This day was a train wreck. The mist was carried a malevolent force. Life-draining mist men coalesced around Carla and her congregation. As the entities closed in on the most despised source of holy radiance  the people were slaughtered flung like rag dolls or drained of all vitality. These entities were potent and Carla was separated from both the rest of the party and the majority of her gear. The rest of the gang were not too far away and upon hearing the commotion made the dash. Willy was first in as Agolloch ‘bamfed’ him right into the fray. This may have saved Carla but it came at the cost of Willy’s life as he was pummeled by a pair of the evil green mist guys turning him into a dead dry husk. The fight was a pounding but without further casualty.  

Day 110 Unusual – Early Winter Cold Snap (14.22-0303): The evil mist had past leaving a dramatic cold snap in its wake. Once more Carla would be called to channel a direct connection with TMB in an attempt to restore Willy. It worked and none too soon, Agolloch would not shut up. However, Willy clearly showed the signs of one touched by death clearly less vital. Carla was drained and fell into a near coma-like slumber – channeling divine force is a serious thing. It looked like we had gotten through the mayhem but alas no. The fates had one more challenge. Sometime during the day Saffron’s enchantment upon Arbuckle failed and he immediately began stewing on his next move. He had been hired to kill a green priestess and a one-legged wizard. There was no mistaking Carla as one of the prime targets. He would attempt to kill her in the dead of night. Fortunately for Carla the bitter cold and a fighter’s attempt at assassination made for an unsuccessful endeavour. He quickly grabbed the bag of holding and made an escape out of the back of the pavilion just before the watch and other sleepers reacted to Carla’s screams. “Oh oh, where is new dumb dumb..”, Saff somehow rationally identifying the key detail beyond the blood spraying all over. Healing was given to Carla and an action plan was enacted to find the scoundrel. Saffron would use her ability to locate an object, the bag of holding aka Carla’s hootchie sack. Into the freezing night went the little glowbug relaying information back to Bunny. Even when Saff’s brain does work right she still tends to be a little looney. In between passing directions back to the rest of the party she shouted out the play-by-play like it was the Stanley Cup final – she was all gusto. As they kept closing in on him and he began to actually listen to Saff’s commentary Arbuckle realized that his prize was a guaranteed death sentence. He tossed the sack in one direction and bolted hard in another. He escaped completely failing his mission and attempt at revenge. 

Day 111 – 117 Mixed & cold (14.22-0303):  After a couple of crummy days and ever increasing Winter-like conditions the band focused on recovery of the infirm, dutchy maintenance, resource allocation and planning the next move – giants or orks?


Carla the Green High Priestess of TMB (C9) 263154 xp +10% <300001> CRT 1d12/III

            Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the High Priest of GSS (C9) 240055 xp +5% <300001> CRT 1d12/III

            Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed arm

Hobo Steve the Lord (F9) 248629 xp +5% <360,001> CRT 1d24/V

            Brain Damaged: reduced mental capacity (tough night on the town)

            Touched from Beyond the Grave (Sloth): Eating disorder (x2 food) -5’ mve

            Blessing of Orcus (Consumption -1 CON)

Rahgnar the Dwarven Superhero (D8) 197250 xp <280001> CRT 1d20/IV

            Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

            Critical Wound: disembowelled less able to process poison (-1 penalty)

            Missing thirteen teeth  

Raul the Voyager (MD8) 211197 xp +10% <240000> CRT 1d12/III

            Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, 

Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Lord (D9) 331087 xp +10% <400001> CRT 1d20/IV

Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face

            Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed arm

            Wound: Bad leg (-5’ MV)

            Multiple Injuries: lost 25 teeth (7 remaining), drools a lot CHA -1

            Serious Injury: Brain Drain -2 INT                               

Ding-We the Peg-Legged Sorcerer (W9) 425762 xp +10% <470001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated, runs at ½ rate (peg required)

Bunny the Thief! (T9) 216716 xp <280001> +10% CRT 1d20/II

            Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand

Ramrod the Cloned Magsman (T8) 147234 xp +5% <160001> CRT 1d20/II

             Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)

            Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp (-5’ mve)

            Missing eight teeth talks with a lisp


            The Henchmen

Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY7) 156517 xp <200001> CRT 1d10/III

            Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen

            Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed guts

Sloth the Bopper (L7) 156159 xp +10% <178800> CRT 1d20/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)

            Mental Illness: Mummy-a-phobic

            Missing ten teeth

Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Swami Girl (PS7) 93369 xp +5% <125000> CRT 1d16/II

Wraith Drained: -1 CON

Biff Bartley the Half-Orc Blackguard (HO7) 100041 <120000> +5% CRT 1d12/II

Lasting injury: Crushed spinal column -6”H, -5’mv, -10% thieving

Sasha Plasha the Warden (R8) 115993 xp +10% <200000> CRT 1d10/III

‘BOB’ the Deadly Shade (N7) 64817 <90000> +5% CRT 1d16/II

Felix Ignatius Hemlock the once skeletal Sleuth (I7) 47017 <80001> +5% CRT 1d16/II

Mason the Lama of Yrrrg. (C7) 53829 <100001> CRT 1d10/III

Charles in Charge the Myrmidon (F6) 53085 <64000> +10% CRT 1d16/IV

Critical Wound: Punctured lung (-2 CON) 

            Mostly DEAD. (-1 CON)

Gurn Hammerhand the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D4) 19289 <36000> +5% CRT 1d12/III

Wendul the Magician (W6) 42429 <80000> 5% CRT 1d8/I

Dolec Da the Hero (F5) 37905 xp +10% <64000> CRT 1d20/IV

            Missing five teeth

Camillus the Myrmidon (F7)  70711 <120001> +5% CRT 1d20/IV

Willy the Reformed Burglar (T5)  16031<20000>10% CRT 1d14/II

Brett & Jermaine Kobold Cooks Extraordinaire 



Willy the fragile recovering from death 14 days (from Day 112)

Boris serious wound (lost eye), incapacitated for 14 days (from Day 98)

Sloth incapacitated for 12 days. 

Sasha recovering from death 14 days (from Day 98)

Dolec recovering from death 14 days (from Day 98)

See petrification tracking below.

Elapsed Campaign Time

550 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation) 

Join us for session Two-Hundred-and-Five when we ask the questions:

Has that muck monster been reproducing?

What about the giants, are we against them?

Have we learned anything from the recent string of deaths?

Where is that damnable Arbuckle?

Tale of the Tape

·      Arbuckle finally broke free from his charmed state and in a marginally calculated action attempted to complete half of his mission and kill Carla. It did not work now he is on the run.

·      The list of recovering hobos expands to include Willy along with Sloth, Sasha and Dolec

·      Mason is overseeing the construction (along with Brett & Germaine) at Greenland

·      Bimbles, is overseeing construction at the Gormandia ferry. At least that is he tells the foreman to tell any inquires.

·      Camillus, Bob, Charles and Felix continue to be lawn ornaments for the Basilisk Knights.

·      Ding-We and the other nerds are deep in the second round of furiously brewing enough potions to resolve the above problem.



Location hex: 12.19à12.20à14.22


Hill Giants (3) Moral failure & ID insinuation 


Mist Men of life draining (3) 


6,000 gp

Gems (3) 100 gp each

Gem encrusted necklaces (2) 1800 gp each


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