Saturday, 11 February 2023

MurderHobos Campaign Resources: UPDATED March 2024

 MurderHobos Campaign Resources (living document November 2023)

Our adventures happily grind ever forward. Hex crawling has dominated a lot of recent play as we enter the era of domain level activities. The hobos ever carving off more of the wilderlands as keeps are either constructed or captured and they raise larger and larger mercenary forces to hold each square mile - For King and Country!


OSE/ LL (B/X) - Fundamentals

DCC - crit/fumble tables and weird dice (long live the chain!)

AD&D - monsters, treasures and guidance

ACKs - odds & sods

OWB - Operation White Box provides a fever dream WWII adventure  (Peter Spahn - Small Niche Games)

Supplements & Other Resources

Class Compendium (James M. Spahn)- Fairy, investigator 

Black Pudding (J.V. West)- Hirelings, classes and micro-adventures

Lursus Naturae (R. Chandler) - monsters

Book of Lairs SERIES (Simon Forester)

Wilderness Encounters (Flying Buffalo) - Gihuspid Lair 

Meatshields! (

Monstrosities (FGG)

Lairs & Encounters (Autarch)

Tome of Horrors Complete & 4 (FGG)

Encounters pulled from (Geoffrey McKinney): 

    -Barrens of Carcosa

    -The Yuthlugathap Swamps

    -The Mountains of Dream

    -Jungles of the K'naanothoa

PX1: Basic Psionic's Handbook (New Big Dragon)

Into the Wilds - Todd Leback

Filling in the Blanks - Todd Leback

Monsters of Myth (First Edition Society)

Lost in the Wilderness - Zzarchov Kowolski

CC2: Creature Cache (New Big Dragon)

The Lost Classes: The Arnesonian Classes  (Appendix N Entertainment)

Aquatic Adventures (Knight Owl Publishing)

Down and Out in Dredgeburg  - Skullfungus

Monster Overhaul - Skerples & Friends 

Swords of Cthulhu - Joseph Bloch

Handy Maps - Glynn Seal (Monkey Blood)

The Staffortonfhire Trading Company Works of John Williams - Glynn Seal (LotFP)

The Megadungeon Monster Manual - Greg Gillespie

Settings / Campaign Components

Land of a Thousand Towers (Pat Wetmore - A.S.E)

Carcosa (LotFP)


Basilisk Hills Ultimate - Todd Leback

Lake of Abominations Ultimate - Todd Leback 

Populated Hexes Monthly #9 (Dreamlands) - Todd Leback 

Zontani Sea Region: Summarized Gazette - Malrex, Jonbar & Grutzi


Anomalous Subsurface Environment 1 (ASE)

Anomalous Subsurface Environment 2-3 (ASE) -eventually, resource for now

Death Love Doom (LotFP)

The Stygian Garden of Abelia Prem (Red Moon Medicine Show)

Eruptor's Vengence (Pacesetter Games)

Tranzar's Redoubt (Taskboy Games)

M1: Prisoners of the Maze (D&D 3.0)   

M2: Dimensions of Flight (D&D 3.0)

    Note: 3rd ed. sucks in myriad ways, all WotC D&D sucks. 

Barrowmaze (Greg Gillespie) - completed!

Howler (Doomslakers #1) J.V. West

Fosc Anansi - Shadow of the Spider Goddess (Lloyd Metcalf)

Temple of Greed (D-OOM Products)

The Nameless City (Alphonso Warden)

D1: Descent into the Depths (TSR)

Operation Unfathomable (The Hydra Cooperative)

OWB: Allied Missions I (Peter Spahn - Small Niche Games)

The Keep (Role Aids)

DCC 76.5: Well of the Worm (DCC)

Hyaqueous Vaults (Guy Fullerton et al.)

UR1: Tomb of the Sea Kings (The Scribes of Sparn)

Eyrie of the Dread Eye (Courtney Campbell)

The Gem Prison of Zardax (Zzarchov Kowolski)

Horrors of the Sepulchre (Cook, Jackson, Teigler)

The Charnel Crypt of the Sightless Serpent (Jeff Talanian)

G1: Steading of the Hill Giant Chief (TSR)

Hex 48.67 - The Shrine of Daothog Populated Hexes Monthly #1 (Todd Leback)

Brine Lord Cassidy's Tomb (The Merciless Merchants) 

Night Yeast 2: 

        a) An Ageless Woodless Place (Druid & Stjernberg)

        b) The Hexcrawler Approacheth! (Sjernberg) 

Into the Space Worm (Knight Owl Publishing) 

Down and Out in Dredgeburg (Skullfungus) -tied into NY2b

Ascent of the Leviathan (The Merciless Merchants) 

The Cauldron (The Merciless Merchants) 

Surgerock Vault (The Merciless Merchants) 

How Orcus Stole Christmas (FGG)

The Lighthouse of Aman Marath (FGG) 

The Lost Crypt (Bill S.) 

Palace of Unquiet Repose (PoN) is coming soon... (If we ever stop getting sidetracked - ugh)

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