SESSION 34: Preparation H(obo) (12DEC16)
What is a bunch of mother fuckers to do? Just keep trudging it would seem with three hobos don and some civilians in tow it was forced march till Ironguard Motte. There was no interest in further spider based encounters. Even with the loss of the heir apparent, George and Weezie were very gracious. They set up our filthy band in the barracks at the Silver Standard Merchant Company. Winter is a slow time so a couple of weeks accommodations were provided along with free grub for the duration. The hobos spent the next couple of days getting to know some of the useful players in the merchant, trade and spiritual healing zone.
First up was a visit to the two key temples in town - St. Ygg and Crom. They made some donations and learned some junk about stuff and agreed to check out the barrow moors and smite some undead in exchange for potions.
Second was trade time to exchange the mountain of coin for some easy carrying gems.
Third, we learned of an ancient place out in the moor full of treasure for those dumb enough to risk life and limb. Well, yes we are. And with that it was set, we would spend sometime looting our way to Valhalla.
It became clear that they would need to go to Helix if they wanted access to the barrows (travel time from locations). A half day later there we were. After some meetings with the local pinheads our band made it to the local tavern, the Brazen Strumpet, and proceeded to make friends and enemies at the packed house. A horde of junior murderhobos were recruited and the legion then made plans to explore the dread tomb of tombs Barrowmaze in the morn.
Carla the Green Prefect of TMB (C5) 23218 xp +10% <25001> CRT 1d12/III
Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm
Ding-We the Thaumaturgist (W5) 23878 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I
Bimbles the Prefect of GSS (C5) 22406 xp +5% <25001> CRT 1d12/III
Hobo Steve the Swashbuckler (F5) 20887 xp +5% (101) <32501> CRT 1d24/V
Rahgnar the Dwarven Hero (D4) 16585 xp <17501> CRT 1d16/IV
Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)
Raul the Wayfarer (MD5) 19156 xp <30000> CRT 1d20/II
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.
Calvin the Bold Architect (MM5) 15738 xp <22400> CRT 1d12/III
Serious wound: permanent loss of INT -1
Boris the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 18833 xp <35001> CRT 1d20/IV
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face
Bunny the Burglar (T5) 17764 xp <20001> CRT 1d20/II
Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY4) 25112 <32501> CRT 1d10/II
Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen
The Henchmen
Mar the Jester (J4) +4142 CRT 1d16/II
Mighty Yord the Slayer (B3) 10801 <16251> CRT 1d14/III
Mighty Nord the Slayer (B3) 11714 <16251> CRT 1d14/III
Hrolga the Amazon (CC4) +1338+526+512 CRT 1d16/IV
Ramrod the Burglar (T5) 18060 xp +5% <20001> CRT 1d20/II
Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)
Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp
Missing six teeth talks with a lisp
Sloth the Charger (L4) 11989 <16800> CRT 1d20/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s,m)
Lenardo the Analyst (S5) 15059 xp <25000> CRT 1d10/I
Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand
Elapsed Campaign Time
83 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)
Join us for session thirty-five when we ask the questions:
Why is everyone telling us about the dang barrows?
Looks like we gots ourselves an army again, how long will they last?
Tale of the Tape
“Soup is good food…”, Sloth
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