Thursday, 8 October 2020

Keep on Marching (Session 30)

 SESSION 30: Mountain in the Desert (22OCT16)

             And so it begins again, looking across the chasm spanned only by an ancient sandstone bridge that leads past two stone markers poorly suggesting the way through the dunes. A little bit of rope and caution gets the first batch of hobos across. It was easy enough until the stone markers started to glow activating some malevolent magics. Most likely the sand storm that appeared out of nowhere and is racing towards the party. Risks were taken and the horde made it across and raced into the dunes with the clearly murderous weather pattern at their heels. A tunnel in a dune seems like to good of an option to ignore. 

            It seems to be a structure lost and forgotten to the ages, slowly losing to the oppressive weight of the sand. For now it is safer than the storm outside waiting to scour flesh from bone. Some searching and creeping reveals that this was once a church of some sort, a fresco depicts the story of a great exodus as a cleric watches his flock moves towards the horizon. Some neat stuff is discovered shortly thereafter in a hidden corridor that, if its possible, a room with whom appears to be the lost cleric. Alive all these many years and yet not looking much different from the painting he reveals himself as.. a total dick. At this juncture our hobos back off, remembering another corridor to explore. They find a collapsed corridor and end up finding another way to Nonegh’s chamber. The return visit sends him into a rage and it looks like its time for a beat down. What appeared as easy loot become more complex when Nonegh summons a horde of man-eating apes to his side. It is not enough though when your opponents are depraved murderhobos sporting a blood thirsty giant wolverine. Rufus lead the charge to victory. Some neat and strange things (jar of coloured sand) were acquired. The cleric’s room room was another dead end due to another collapsed corridor and so the party decided to rest and wait out the storm.

            The following morning was hot and bright, we are in a desert so what do you expect? On the horizon a mountainous chunk of rock sat like a forgotten toy in a sandbox and the road was pointed right at it. The march was uneventful. They stood at the foot of this monolith. Baal’s Pinnacle, a slab of rock jutting 200’ into the air and well over 300’ in radius revealed. A sloping, partially covered trail leads up to a cave mouth on the pinnacle’s northern side.

            Entering the cave, rough hewn and jagged walls and ceiling with a somewhat smoother granite floor. The floor partially covered in sand rock and bones of humanoid and/or humans long without name. Initial exploration leads to the precipice of a chamber. What lays beyond obscured by a being not of this world a 9’ man-like thing, red-skinned with a barbed tail and horns sprouting without order covering its body. A wave of fear washes over our hobos as it introduces itself. “I’m Ish and you are meat”. It waves its hand and stepping from it another similar creature appears. “I’m Mael. And we are going to Fuck You Up”. These things, these devils even though only two facing a legion of garbage eating hobos fought with the powers of Gehenna. Waves of fear and blasphemous magics quickly reduced oppositional forces but our hobos persisted until “poof” in a cloud stink worse than dog farts. The devils were gone. The chamber held five ancient coffins cracked and exposing the husks of those once interred. 

            Grave robbing! Exposed some junk and some stuff worth loading up our pack just a bit more..




Carla the Green Prefect of TMB (C5) 17565 xp +10% <25001> CRT 1d12/III

            Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Ding-We the Theurgist (W4) 17225 xp +5% <20001> CRT 1d8/I

Bimbles the Prefect of GSS (C5) 16753 xp +5%  <25001> CRT 1d12/III

Hobo Steve the Hero (F4) 15133 xp +5% (101) <16251> CRT 1d20/IV

Rahgnar the Dwarven Hero (D4) 11932 xp  <17501> CRT 1d16/IV

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)


Raul the Hobo (MD4) 13503 xp <15000> CRT 1d16/II

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.

Calvin the Bold Organizer (MM4) 10085 xp <11200> CRT 1d10/III

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of INT -1

Lenardo the Professor (S4) 9406 xp <12000> CRT 1d8/I

                        Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Boris the Dwarven Hero (D4) 13180 xp <17501> CRT 1d16/IV

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face   

Bunny the Burglar (T5) 12211 xp <20001> CRT 1d16/II


Ramrod the Burglar (T5) 12507 xp  +5% <20001> CRT 1d20/II

                         Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)

                        Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp

                        Missing six teeth talks with a lisp


Saffron the Mad fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY4) 19459 <32501> CRT 1d10/II

                        Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen


            The Henchmen

Mighty Yord the Slayer (B3) 9763 <16251> CRT 1d14/III

Mighty Nord the Slayer (B3) 10676 <16251> CRT 1d14/III

Sloth the Brute (L3) 7155 <8400> CRT 1d16/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s,m)

Mar the Jester (J4) +1338 CRT 1d16/II

Hrolga the Amazon (CC4) +1338 CRT 1d16/IV

Rufus the Marginally Friendly Dire Wolverine CRT 1d10/M



Elapsed Campaign Time

75 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session thirty-one when we ask the questions:

Are we going to be done finally?!?

Tale of the Tape

Nothing to report...


Nonegh the long forgotten cleric of something also long forgotten

Man-eating Apes (10)

Ish & Mael two bad-assed mutha fuckin barbed devils



Mace “Heavy Hand”

278 pp

180 ep

460 gp

180 cp

Onyx & gold neckbands (4) 

Ivory scroll case (2 spells:C)

Jar of Sand

Potions (3) Invis, Cure Mod x2

Corroded silver pendant 


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