Monday 19 June 2023

Riddles Continue to Abound (Session 196)

 SESSION 196: This way, that way and the other way

The explorers covered lots of territory after fishing for Moby worm then encountered a mercurial wizard, once more running afoul of basilisks and then returning to Liwil to inform of Bimbles’s success with the ferry construction and to commence the next phase of MurderHobo dominion. 

Day 74 – Weird Strong Winds (13.20-0606/): The winds were something fierce to open a strange day. First, our explorers need to get the last white worm. A combination of meat on a rope and stomping about lured the beast to its doom. Secondly, once returning to exploration there was some sort of ritualistic site. “Strange magicks” remarked Steve to Sloth (his intellectual equal who responded in kind “Strange magicks” Steve knew they were both on the same wavelength and that was good – “yup”. An inscribed stone circle that contained a small fire pit. Ash and the bones of tiny animals with a single gold coin buried below. Later, as the winds continued to howl a pair of basilisks were spotted moving along the tree line that would on normal days be obscured by tall grasses. Nara used her metal powers to blast one of them with her mental power. This was enough to deter the reptiles and they hastily retreated into the forest. The group preferred this option they did not want another companion turned into a lawn ornament. However, things tend to move in circles. The winds were not letting up so the explorers decided to return to camp. As their luck would have it, the basilisks were already sniffing around the edge of camp as they returned. We were in close combat immediately. Sasha locked eyes and paid the rocky price. The meatheads charged the creatures and were able to slash one the beasts to shreds as Willy, and Agolloch, teleported above the other and the sword severed the reptiles spine and everything else beyond that. After the fact it was remembered that salvage of the sweet sweet gizzards required limited physical damage to the basilisk. Hopefully Ding-We would have a pile of them in about a week. Steve opened up the portable hole and he and Sloth cautiously lowered stone Sasha into the inky void.

Day 75 – Weird Abnormally (13.20-0606): Today is deadly hot. Making metal armour unbearable to wear. The gang languishes in camp waiting for it to pass.

Day 76 – Clear (13.20-0606/0705/0605/0505): Within a relic pine stand there was a wizard with a pair of grim knights bearing the mark of the serpent (whatever that is). The wizard was wizard-like. 

Impatient and used to using those around as tools towards his obtuse goals, 

“Quick! Each of you climb a pine and point to the centre of the glade and repeat the following words – Ala-Kazoo!” 

Steve tried to make comment but the wizard only barked at them to complete the task. His knights assisted, most grimly, in harrying our goobers along. Willy and Agolloch approached invisibly to be within the swords detection range. Agolloch came to the conclusion that the wizard had neither good nor evil intentions, he was simply up to irrational wizard shit. With no word from the hidden assassin the other mooks fell into compliance. Ala-kazoo! Ala-Kazoo! Ala-kazoo… KEEP IT GOING YOU MUPPETS! Ala-Kazoo! Ala-kazoo… 

The wizard conducted a ritual, or he was just plain nutty we couldn’t tell, and then let out an exclamation and charged off to the north with his guards. The gang slid down from the trees. Steve and Sloth looked at each other and agreed that they had no idea what just happened but they didn’t really care, it was just another day in jungle –“yup”.

 Day 77 – Clear (13.20-0505/0405/0504/0404à12.20/0704): The journey back to the ferry site. As our explorers tame more of the lands travel becomes quicker and safer. Returning to the Blood River ferry Bimbles’s crew has are putting on the final touches to complete the ferry and discussions have begun regarding the next step, garrison construction. Bimbles has not yet had a chance to figure how to purge the blight in the adjacent sub-hex (hahahahah- DM from the future). It was decided that Gurn and Willy would hang at the ferry while the rest of the exploration team returned to Liwil with the wagons to collect more supplies and hopefully find that Ding-We and company had created a batch of ointments to resolve the petrification problem (repeated foreshadowing).

Day 78 thru 86 – Clear, Crisp & Cloudy (12.20à13.20à14.21à14.22à14.23 and back to 12.20-0704): Departing the ferry site the next stop was Greenland to see how Carla was coming along. Construction was plugging along and our green girl was knee deep in the recruitment to the blessed following of TMB. The group stayed the night then made for Liwil. They were greeted by a belligerent, perhaps drunk, Bunny who had laid claim to the longship that was oddly parked outside the walls of a landlocked settlement. “Yarrg ye landlubbers kneel down before your new master Captain Bunny the Pink Death!”, she was full of piss, vinegar and rum. Ding-We and the brewers were still occupied for a couple more days. Steve used this time to visit Wei-Fan with his collection of rare meats. Wei-Fan initially tried to shake Steve off as he thought he was a(nother) Trojan horse in search of favours but really Steve the simple fellow he is just wanted to share his culinary delights – “It’s a meat-stravaganza!”. Wei-Fan succumbed to Stevie’s stringless offering and they had a day of gorging well and telling limericks as the rest of the gang continued with their rations. A couple of days later Ding-We finally came out and saw his shadow, “Dammit!”. Only two of the ‘stone to flesh’ potions were good. After much tough deliberation Sasha and Rhags were slathered in ointment and once more returned to the land of the fleshy and mobile. After having an evening catching up with the explorers and taking a backlog of harassment from Saffron the longship was once more shrunk down (to Captain Bunny’s chagrin) the following morning. Afterwards the mages once more returned to the laboratory (Day 85). With that the rest of the mob once more loaded with supplies moving towards Greenland and then the Gormlandia ferry. The weather began to turn miserable in the final leg a storm was brewing it would be miserable tomorrow.

Day 87 – Violent Rain (12.20-0704): With arcane types back to potion making, due to their marginal success of the first batch, the remaining parties members planned to break into two crews. One clearing the westside of the river and the other going back to the chasm> Neither group were very excited as it was a bleak and miserably wet day to start out.



Carla the Green High Priestess of TMB (C9) 263154 xp +10% <300001> CRT 1d12/III

            Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the High Priest of GSS (C9) 240055 xp +5% <300001> CRT 1d12/III

            Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed arm

Hobo Steve the Superhero (F8) 235073 xp +5% <240,001> CRT 1d24/V

            Brain Damaged: reduced mental capacity (tough night on the town)

            Touched from Beyond the Grave (Sloth): Eating disorder (x2 food) -5’ mve

            Blessing of Orcus (Consumption -1 CON)

Rahgnar the Dwarven Superhero (D8) 197250 xp <280001> CRT 1d20/IV

            Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

            Critical Wound: disembowelled less able to process poison (-1 penalty)

            Missing thirteen teeth  

Raul the Voyager (MD8) 211197 xp +10% <240000> CRT 1d12/III

            Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, 

Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Lord (D9) 326721 xp +10% <400001> CRT 1d20/IV

Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face

            Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed arm

            Wound: Bad leg (-5’ MV)

            Multiple Injuries: lost 25 teeth (7 remaining), drools a lot CHA -1

            Serious Injury: Brain Drain -2 INT                               

Ding-We the Peg-Legged Sorcerer (W9) 425762 xp +10% <470001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated, runs at ½ rate (peg required)

Bunny the Thief! (T9) 209332 xp <280001> +10% CRT 1d20/II

            Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand

Ramrod the Cloned Magsman (T8) 142868 xp +5% <160001> CRT 1d20/II

             Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)

            Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp (-5’ mve)

            Missing eight teeth talks with a lisp


            The Henchmen

Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY7) 152692 xp <200001> CRT 1d10/III

            Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen

            Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed guts

Sloth the Bopper (L7) 150155 xp +10% <178800> CRT 1d20/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)

            Mental Illness: Mummy-a-phobic

            Missing ten teeth

Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Swami Girl (PS7) 85646 xp +5% <125000> CRT 1d16/II

Wraith Drained: -1 CON

Biff Bartley the Half-Orc Blackguard (HO7) 97862 <120000> +5% CRT 1d12/II

Lasting injury: Crushed spinal column -6”H, -5’mv, -10% thieving

Sasha Plasha the Warden (R7) 99989 xp +10% <100000> CRT 1d10/III

‘BOB’ the Deadly Shade (N7) 64817 <90000> +5% CRT 1d16/II

Felix Ignatius Hemlock the once skeletal Sleuth (I7) 47017 <80001> +5% CRT 1d16/II

Mason the Canon of Yrrrg. (C6) 47825 <50001> CRT 1d10/III

Charles in Charge the Myrmidon (F6) 53085 <64000> +10% CRT 1d16/IV

Critical Wound: Punctured lung (-2 CON) 

            Mostly DEAD. (-1 CON)

Gurn Hammerhand the Dwarven Swordsman (D4) 14614 <17000> +5% CRT 1d12/III

Wendul the Magician (W6) 42429 <80000> 5% CRT 1d8/I

Dolec Da the Hero (F5) 35663 xp +10% <64000> CRT 1d20/IV

            Missing five teeth

Camillus the Myrmidon (F7)  70711 <120001> +5% CRT 1d20/IV

Willy the Reformed Burglar (T5)  15968<20000>10% CRT 1d14/II

Brett & Jermaine Kobold Cooks Extraordinaire 



See petrification tracking below.

Elapsed Campaign Time

534 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation) 

Join us for session One-Hundred-and-Ninety-Seven when we ask the questions:

What was that wizard doing?

What will we find across the river?

What will we find in the Chasm?

When will Bimbles get to the ritual of cleansing and how long will it take?

Tale of the Tape

Camillus, Bob, Charles and Felix have become lawn ornaments for the Basilisk Knights.

Sasha had her first rocky experience but was quickly restored, along with Rhags, as her field skills are critical to the ongoing operations.

Ding-We and the other nerds enter a second round of furiously brewing enough potions to resolve the above problem.



Location hex: 12.20/13.20/14.21/14.22/14.23 and back again.


The last white worm

Basilisks (2) 1140



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