Monday, 21 December 2020

Just Another Morning in a Giant Tomb (Session 54)

 SESSION 54: Just Another Morning in a Tomb of Tombs (13Sept17)

            The day started early as a troupe of tomb robbers found their way to our carrion crawler day spa. A generally nice bunch whom had unfortunately been hot on our hobo’s trail, nary a speck of treasure after two days underground for them. Our benevolent zeros offered up the mountain of copper pieces they had been using for bedding. Taking care of the little people, they say. 

            Heading east they came to three choices (a door and two bricked up passageways) and took the easy door, and went north. This lead to piles of treasure, a bunch of things that did not appreciate the disturbance, the obligatory couple of traps, and the wandering horde of flesh hungry dead. It all worked out well. Pressing further they came to a crypt of some note. A sarcophagus sat upon a raised dias. A whole bunch of work later to avoid triggering any trap and after successfully looting the tomb they triggered said trap. A couple of bone golems sprung from the chambers columns. Fear not, after a bit of fumbling they were smote. 

There was a corridor going further north but our horde decided to fall back to the original conundrum. A timely silence spell covered for the smashing of bricked up walls to the East and South. The East revealed a stairwell descending into the abyss. While the south was less weird. South, we went into the most aged of sections so far explored in Barrowmaze perhaps the oldest. Definitely some cool dude’s crypt. We faced some ‘unsettled’ obstacles but made it to the third chamber and sharp eyes spotted a false wall. What lays beyond? Who knows? Death? Glory? Probably.           


Carla the Green Lama of TMB (C7) 60692 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d14/III

            Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the Lama of GSS (C7) 58130 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d14  /III

Hobo Steve the Myrmidon (F6) 53661 xp +5% (101) <70001> CRT 1d30/V

            Brain Damaged: reduced mental capacity (tough night on the town)

Rahgnar the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 43309 xp <70001> CRT 1d24/V

            Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Raul the Traveler (MD7) 54130 xp <80000> CRT 1d24/II

            Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, 

Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 55807 xp +10% <70001> CRT 1d24/V

            Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face                           

Lenardo the Technician (S6) 42762 xp +10% <50000> CRT 1d10/I

            Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Ding-We the Peg-Legged Thaumaturgist (W5) 36086 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated

            The Henchmen

Arnd Cobblestone the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 20825 xp +5% <35001> CRT 1d20/ IV

Akercocke the Minotaur Defender(M5) 38759 xp <40001> CRT 1d12/ III

Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY6) 73413 <130001> CRT 1d12/III

            Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen

Sloth the Roughneck (L5) 25683 <36960> CRT 1d24/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)



Ramrod the Cloned Burglar (T5) 19543 xp +5% <20001> CRT 1d20/II

             Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)

            Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp

            Missing six teeth talks with a lisp

            Being cloned 45 days

                        REMAINING RECUPERATION: 42 DAYS

Bunny the PETRIFIED Sharper (T7) 57817 xp <80001> +10% CRT 1d30/II 


Elapsed Campaign Time

129 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session fifty-five when we ask the questions:

Do we go deeper or power up?

Who is the dead dude?

How do we get that Viking galley?

Tale of the Tape


Amber Golem 

Ochre Jelly 

Bone Golems (2) 

Dinner Acquisition Crew 2

            Ghasts (4) 

            Ghouls (8) 

Funeral Pyre Zombies (6) 

Barrow Wight 

Juju Zombies (2) 

Homunculus Boris


800 gp

Small Cracked Azurite (8gp), Small Alexandrite (100gp), Small Finely Cut Bloodstone (100gp), Large Flawed Black Pearl (350gp), Large Topaz (1,000gp), Small Bloodstone (50gp), and a Large Finely Cut Deep Blue Spinel (1,000gp). Large Topaz (500gp), Small Brown Jasper (70gp), Large Finely Cut Deep Blue Spinel (800gp), and a Very Large Exquisite Clear Diamond (5,000gp) Small Blue Quartz (20gp), Small Flawed Moss Agate (9gp), Small Rock Crystal (50gp), Small Citrine (50gp), Large Sardonyx (100gp), Small Hematite (10gp), Very Large Exquisite Pale Blue Opal (8,000gp), Very Large Finely Cut Star Ruby (2,000gp), Small Hematite (10gp), and a Large Moonstone (100gp)  = 19327 gp

Gold Canoptic Jars (3) 

Necklace 200

Potion of giant strength

Potion of growth (!!! May have forgotten to mention!!!)

Treasure map 

Scroll – Arcane lock

Scroll – Summon Familiar, Lesser Move Earth

Dagger +1 Flame Tongue

Ancient Longswords +2 (2)

Platinum rhytons (3) 1700, 2000, 2300

Copper Death masks (4) 400 each

Platinum Death Mask 800 gp

Mithril inlaid with Electrum Death Masks (2) 1000 gp each

Sunday, 20 December 2020

What is down here? (Session 53)

 SESSION 53: Let’s check out that corridor  (5SEPT17)

            With only three quarters of a day gone we pressed on, deeper back through the ages in the ancient depths of Barrowmaze. Pressing south, silence was used to cover the excavation into two more lost crypts. Even with this prudent act the dank passageways were ripe with dark creatures. Carrion scavengers and ghastly things that preferred fresh meat. The latter a horde of ghasts and ghouls adorned in bibs, all emblazoned with the same horrific visage (Grizelda, not to be known for some time). Sadly, all that this dinner acquisition crew had was two sacks. One containing feet and the other left arms. Nary a treat for the honest hobo. But I rush ahead. They had already encountered angry sand, nearly succumbed to the dulcet tones of the sandman (but he/it retreated- for reasons), the true dungeon caretakers a troupe of carrion crawlers, and a confused wight named Yusuq-Jac. 

    Jumping back ahead, Ding-We made a horrendous mess of the dinner crew with a well-placed and timed lightning bolt. I love the smell of ozone and twice dead flesh in the morning. There were also some unrestful mummies that as luck would have it could not share their rot from beyond with our hobos. And lest I forget, Arnd appeared that he may have died but his handling of the death scarab was defter than expected. More importantly than all this jibber jabber was the big load of loot: books, gems, jeweled scarabs and coin. This capped off what ended as a fine day, even though very little progress was made. Our hobos returned to their previous abode, the carrion crawler lair, to rest and plan the next surge deeper into lost Barrowmaze.


Carla the Green Lama of TMB (C7) 58703 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d14/III

            Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the Lama of GSS (C7) 56141 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d14  /III

Hobo Steve the Myrmidon (F6) 51672 xp +5% (101) <70001> CRT 1d30/V

Rahgnar the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 39320 xp <70001> CRT 1d24/V

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Raul the Ranger (MD6) 49141 xp <50000> CRT 1d24/II

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 53818 xp +10% <70001> CRT 1d24/V

                        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face  

Lenardo the Technician (S6) 40773 xp +10% <50000> CRT 1d10/I

                        Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Ding-We the Peg-Legged Thaumaturgist (W5) 34097 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated

            The Henchmen

Arnd Cobblestone the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 19830 xp +5% <35001> CRT 1d20/ IV

Akercocke the Minotaur Defender(M5) 37764 xp <40001> CRT 1d12/ III

Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY6) 65918 <XXXX> CRT 1d12/III

                        Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen

Sloth the Roughneck (L5) 24688 <36960> CRT 1d24/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)


Ramrod the Cloned Burglar (T5) 19543 xp +5% <20001> CRT 1d20/II

                         Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)

                        Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp

                        Missing six teeth talks with a lisp

                        Being cloned 45 days

                        REMAINING RECUPERATION: 43 DAYS

Bunny the PETRIFIED Sharper (T7) 57817 xp <80001> +10% CRT 1d30/II 


Elapsed Campaign Time

128 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session fifty-four when we ask the questions:

What lays ahead, in the most ancient corridors of Barrowmaze?

What’s up with those bibs?

Tale of the Tape

We thought Arnd died by death, but he got better


Carrion Crawlers (3) 

Dinner acquisition crew: Ghasts (6), Ghouls (8) 

Sandlings (2)

Sandman (retreated) 

Mummy of Zuul 

Yusuq-Jac the Wight 

Barrow Mummies (2) 


3000 gp (NOTE: I forgot to award this, from the Sandman room)

Ruby 100 gp

Runic Tablet

Magical Scarabs: Death, [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], [redacted]

Precious Scarabs: Electrum 100, 250, 150; 

      Sliver 300, 400, 300; 

      Gold 1000, 750; 

      Platinum 2000, 2000, 2000

Gems: Small Bloodstone (50gp), Large Black Pearl (1,000gp), Small Black Onyx (50gp), Large Deep Blue Spinel (500gp), Small Flawed Brown Jasper (45gp), Large Finely Cut Chrysolite (1,000gp), Large Finely Cut Aquamarine (1,000gp), Small Rock Crystal (100gp), Small Amethyst (100gp), Small Flawed Obsidian (12gp), and a Small Red Garnet (100gp) 

Valuable Scrolls and Books worth 600gp, 750gp, 550gp, and 250gp 

Monday, 14 December 2020

Evil Elemental Temple (Session 52)

SESSION 52: No Stone Left Unturned (28AUG17)

Sleeping with a pile of treasure is one thing, sleeping in the crypt that you had previously removed said treasure from is just a cold, cold floor. This was probably a grim portent but who pays attention to such things?

Powered up they returned to the chamber of Zuul, Demon Lord of the Elements. It was time to clear out some forgotten chambers. They were ambushed by giant tarantulas and then discovered a crypt guarded by a clay golem that plastered our mutant cyclopean wizard into paste. This battle caught the attention of a trio of gigantic grey worms. One of which swallowed Raul for a brief period of time. He escaped with his life and a sad little turd of an opal. This lead to the final resting place of the founding family of Ironguard Motte - the Ironguard tomb. The son, Parnal had risen as a ghoul. Purportedly due to the power of the ‘tablet’. After looting the family treasury, they went south into a non-descript room where Bunny discovered a basilisk hidden behind a wall. Preserving her in stone for all time. A strange little crypt was discovered down the small passage. Raul, the ‘new thief’ brought forth a strange magical helmet - the Pigface bascinet. After dispatching the beast our hobos looted the secret crypt and then stuffed Bunny away for later extraction (in the secret passage).

The Hobos then hammered into two further crypts. The first resulted in an attack by runic golems and some neat junk, that Raul luckily hooked and extricated from a trapped crypt. The second revealed a sandy stairwell descending into a long forgotten burial place.


Carla the Green Lama of TMB (C7) 56634 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d14/III

        Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the Lama of GSS (C7) 54072 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d14 /III

Hobo Steve the Myrmidon (F6) 49603 xp +5% (101) <70001> CRT 1d30/V

Rahgnar the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 37251 xp <70001> CRT 1d24/V

        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Raul the Ranger (MD6) 47072 xp <50000> CRT 1d24/II

        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 51749 xp +10% <70001> CRT 1d24/V

        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face

Lenardo the Technician (S6) 38704 xp +10% <50000> CRT 1d10/I

        Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Ding-We the Peg-Legged Thaumaturgist (W5) 31255 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I

        Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated

Bunny the Sharper (T7) 57817 xp <80001> +10% CRT 1d30/II

Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY5) 64884 <65001> CRT 1d12/III

        Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen

The Henchmen

Arnd Cobblestone the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 18796 xp +5% <35001> CRT 1d20/ IV

Akercocke the Minotaur Defender(M5) 36730 xp <40001> CRT 1d12/ III

Sloth the Roughneck (L5) 23654 <36960> CRT 1d24/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)

Brutalitops the mutant Theurgist (W4) 16431 <20001> CRT 1d8/I


Ramrod the Cloned Burglar (T5) 19543 xp +5% <20001> CRT 1d20/II

        Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)

        Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp

        Missing six teeth talks with a lisp

        Being cloned 45 days


Elapsed Campaign Time

127 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session fifty-three when we ask the questions:

How do we/ can we un-stone Bunny?

Go deeper or run and try to facilitate the non-existent magic economy?

How long can Raul be jumping into things before he dies again?

Tale of the Tape

Brutalitops was pulverized into a paste by a clay golem - keep your head up boy.

Bunny stared a basilisk in the eyes, now just a stone statue stuffed in an alcove


Giant tarantulas (6)

Clay golem

Grey worms (3)

Mummies of Zuul (2)


Parnal Ironguard the ghoul

Clockwork scorpions (2)

Runic golems (2)


8000 cp

1000 sp

4000 ep

52 pp

Gold necklace inlaid w/jade (1200gp)

Gold Ring inlaid with Small White Pearls (1,000gp)

Platinum Pendant inlaid with Small Sapphires (1,100gp)

Platinum Belt Buckle (1,000gp)

Gold Pendant inlaid with White Pearls (1,400gp)

Jade Comb (500gp)

Coral Bracelet (900gp)

Silver Ring inlaid with Red Garnets (1,300gp)

Gems (6) 1200, 10, 50,400,300 500 gp = 2460

Crossbow bolts +1 (7)

Puny opal 10 gp

Potion of X-Heal

Gold circlet (2) 500 gp each

Exquisite amphora 1100 gp

Pigface bascinet

Fist sized rubies (2) 3000 gp each

Runic tablets (5)

Friday, 11 December 2020

After Party and Back to Work (Session 51)

 SESSION 51: Shit, Shower, and a Shave (14AUG17)

            Well it seems that the followers of Ygg had received a message from above. Our horde of murderhobos are actually murder heroes! There was much rejoicing and an award ceremony (silver medals and participation badges for all the lumps in attendance - thank-you loser culture), on top of our band finally being fully reunited. Being rather banged up the horde decided to rest up and await Ding-We’s return to action. After some studying, resting and the like things were back in motion. Ding-We paid a long-delayed visit to Mumfred the Magnificent to discuss options for the cloning of Ramrod. Unfortunately, ole Dinger had a heck of a lot of pep after being bedridden for so long and came on a little heavy. This likely increased expense and duration but a deal was struck nevertheless. 

            With the general housekeeping settled we decided it was time for another delve into the Barrowmaze. The journey there was fun, a business of giant  weasels that were happy to continue eating last week’s dead giants and then a battle with a pair of dickish fiery salamander things. Returning to the mound the hobos elected to continue exploring beyond the lair of the carrion crawler. Progress was slow as the forces of Nergal were active. In particular, they faced off against an Assault Squad that proved to be rather challenging even though the barrow ghast never got to launch a spell- damn tanks with their jumping rings. The hobos did eventually make it back to the crawler’s lair and decided to settle in for a long rest. 


Carla the Green Lama of TMB (C7) 55861 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d14/III
        Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the Lama of GSS (C7) 53299 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d14 /III

Hobo Steve the Myrmidon (F6) 48830 xp +5% (101) <70001> CRT 1d30/V

Rahgnar the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 34728 xp <35001> CRT 1d20/IV
        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Raul the Ranger (MD6) 46299 xp <50000> CRT 1d24/II
        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 50976 xp +10% <70001> CRT 1d24/V
        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face

Lenardo the Technician (S6) 37931 xp +10% <50000> CRT 1d10/I
         Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Brutalitops the mutant Theurgist (W4) 16045 <20001> CRT 1d8/I

Bunny the Sharper (T7) 57044 xp <80001> +10% CRT 1d30/II

Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY5) 64111 <65001> CRT 1d12/III
        Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen

The Henchmen

Arnd Cobblestone the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 18410 xp +5% <35001> CRT 1d20/ IV

Akercocke the Minotaur Defender(M5) 36344 xp <40001> CRT 1d12/ III

Sloth the Roughneck (L5) 23268 <36960> CRT 1d24/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)


Ding-We the Thaumaturgist (W5) 31255 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated 



Elapsed Campaign Time

117 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session fifty-two when we ask the questions:

What lays ahead?

Are Nergal’s forces now on active alert?

Where are those pesky cultists actually holed up?

Who’s gonna die next?

Will they survive another night in the Layer of the Carrion Crawler?

Tale of the Tape

Nothing to report


Giant weasels (8) parlayed into submission

Flame salamanders (2) 

Giant centipedes (6) 

Coffer corpse 

Barrow Ghast Nergal Shock Trooper Commander

Ghasts (5) NST Squad Assault Sergeants 

Ghouls (8) NST Assault Forces 


131 sp

2000 ep

Crown 1000 gp

Jeweled bracers (2) 1400 g each

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Thumbscrews (SESSION 50)

 SESSION 50: A Swing and a Miss (24JUL17)

            “Vee ave vays uf makin yu talk!”, jeered the great green cleric

            “Do it, HARD!”, replied the naked bushel of cultists of the death god Orcus

This first attempt at interrogation was partially successful. We found out that there is a tablet thing (some sort of root of evil) that they (the cultists) are looking for, that Orcus central is far to the East, and that these dupes were using their leave to have some sort of creepy death sex bondage orgy. The fiasco attracted some wandering ghouls, that were a pain in the ass. Our Hobos had forgotten that moving southwest of what was previously known as the Pit of Chaos was a newer section of the dungeon. Consequently, it is generally low risk and low yield. Unless of course they don’t give a damn about the amount of ruckus they create. 

It became only a matter of time until a Nergal Kill Crew caught their scent. At the end of a one-way dead end corridor it occurred. An empty crypt, awaiting occupants for hundreds of years yearned for death. Blocking the only route of escape was Blor-Gath the 14th and his three lieutenants – Donald the Smasher, Gino the Scalper and Tim the Hunter. Blor-Gath spoke with the voice of the grave causing the Hobos to be stricken with fear. Half of which immediately began to grovel. Carla called upon her deity to banish the dead magic successfully rebuilding the party’s defensive line. Bimbles simultaneously called forth the power of Spinning Stars to repel Donald the Smasher with holy force. The bruisers rushed Blor-Gath as Carla and Bimbles surrounded the undead in silence. Raul blasted forth magic missiles that bounced back at him. This was not good but the worst was yet to come. Blor-Gath being surrounded decided to centre a fireball on itself in hopes of incinerating are almost heroes. It should have worked that way but whoever talks about the luck of the dead? The conflagration was not as hot as needed. The hobos even engulfed in flame fought on while Tim and Gino crumbled to ash and Blor-Gath was horribly scarred. What started as a likely scene of mass death had quickly turned to mass re-death. The Hobos had survived. 

Many thought this grim encounter was a certain sign that retreat back to Helix was more than overdue. Oddly, this very reasonable plan was not immediately enacted upon. Some arguing later, tactical redistribution won out and our horde made for the closest exit. Back on the surface It was nearing midday as the trek across the moor began. They were very close to helix when the mist parted there appeared three hill giants each with a loaded sack. Rahgnar attempted to bribe the giants with a pittance. This did not work. So much so that the giants actually hurdled their sacks that were loaded with gold at our gang. As often happens, a grand melee ensued and when the swinging stopped again our hobos were victorious. They grabbed the loot and made the final march back to the outskirts of Helix, anxious to reunite with their wayward comrades and revel in their loot. 


Carla the Green Lama of TMB (C7) 54166 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d12/III

        Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the Canon of GSS (C6) 49104 xp +5% <50001> CRT 1d12/III

Hobo Steve the Myrmidon (F6) 47135 xp +5% (101) <70001> CRT 1d30/V

Rahgnar the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 33033 xp <35001> CRT 1d20/IV

        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Raul the Ranger (MD6) 44604 xp <50000> CRT 1d24/II

        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 49281 xp +10% <70001> CRT 1d20/IV

        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face

Lenardo the Technician (S6) 36236 xp +10% <50000> CRT 1d10/I

        Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Brutalitops the mutant Theurgist (W4) 14350 <20001>

The Henchmen

Arnd Cobblestone the Dwarven Hero (D4) 16687 <17501> CRT 1d16/ IV

Sloth the Roughneck (L5) 22420 <36960> CRT 1d24/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)


Ding-We the Thaumaturgist (W5) 31255 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated

Bunny the Sharper (T7) 57044 xp <80001> +10% CRT 1d24/II

Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY5) 64111 <65001> CRT 1d12/III

        Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen

Akercocke the Minotaur Defender(M5) 36344 xp <40001> CRT 1d12/ III

Elapsed Campaign Time

115 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session fifty-one when we ask the questions:

Is the hell of Barrowmaze something a one-eyed mutant really wants to do with his life?

What is this tablet thing that everyone is looking for?

How many times are we going to get away with desecrating Nergal’s unholy sites?

Tale of the Tape


Ravenous Zombies (6) 

Blood-Thirsty Spiders (7) 

Exploding Skeletons (4) 

Purple Moss 

Wights (3) 

Ghouls (6) 

Heucava (5) 

Crypt Knights (3) 

Death Knight Lite ™ Blor-Gath the 14th  

Hill Giants (3) 


5445 gp

72 pp

Potion of Heroism

Potion of Invisibility

Sling Stones +2 (7)

Rubies (4) 

Platemail +1 human

Longsword +1 (light 20’)

Jeweled necklace 

Small Vase 

Sapphire encrusted walking stick 

Ornate quill 

Silver bracelet 

Gold bracelet 

Silver kilt pin 

Coral figurine 

Bracers of Defense (AC5)

Ancient Longsword of Blog-Gath the 14th

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Moral Challenge Incoming (Session 49)

 SESSION 49: Blah Balh Ablh Hlab (17JULY17)

            Covered in gore but ready to go. Our little band were more than happy to dig deeper into Barrowmaze even after burning their luck on the boss fight. I will be honest nothing really interesting occurred. The usual falling in pits, fighting undead, looting graves, ambushed by cultists, etcetera… It is worth noting two things. First, that there was one mighty fine tomb of a long dead sage that contained some sweet ancient wisdom. Secondly, the afore mentioned cultists were taken hostage and there will be torture in their future.I will fail to mention that these cultists were up to deviant behaviour in a crypt, lets just say that they were slippery.. Aside from that it really was just another day in the tomb of tombs. Perhaps next session will be more dramatic maybe not. Either way we continue to plunder the dark heart.


Carla the Green Lama of TMB (C7) 52618 xp +5% <100001> CRT 1d12/III

        Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm

Bimbles the Canon of GSS (C6) 47556 xp +5% <50001> CRT 1d12/III

Hobo Steve the Myrmidon (F6) 45587 xp +5% (101) <70001> CRT 1d30/V

Rahgnar the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D5) 31485 xp <35001> CRT 1d20/IV

        Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

Raul the Ranger (MD6) 43056 xp <50000> CRT 1d24/II

        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4, Removed one of his own nostrils.

Boris the Dwarven Myrmidon (D6) 47733 xp +10% <70001> CRT 1d20/IV

        Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face

Lenardo the Technician (S6) 34688 xp +10% <50000> CRT 1d10/I

        Light wound: permanent loss of two fingers (pinky and next) left hand

Brutalitops the mutant Theurgist (W4) 12802 <20001>


            The Henchmen

Arnd Cobblestone the Dwarven Hero (D4) 15913 <17501> CRT 1d16/ IV

Sloth the Roughneck (L5) 21646 <36960> CRT 1d24/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)



Ding-We the Thaumaturgist (W5) 31255 xp +5% <40001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated 


Bunny the Sharper (T7) 57044 xp <80001> +10% CRT 1d24/II

Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY5) 64111 <65001> CRT 1d12/III

                        Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen

Akercocke the Minotaur Defender(M5) 36344 xp <40001> CRT 1d12/ III

Elapsed Campaign Time

114 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)

Join us for session FIFTY! when we ask the questions:

Let us hope something really happens next time. 

Maybe violating the cultists rights will lead to some shenanigans. 

Tale of the Tape


Ravenous Zombies (10) 

Huecava (3) 

StiRGES (13) 

Purple Moss 

Mummy (not yo momma)

Sandlings (2) 

Skeletons (7) 

Acolytes of Orcus (6) 



432 GP

71 PP

Electrum Bracelet 

Gold canopic jars (4) 


Fine Scarf 

Curved Dagger

Book of ALL lvl 1 MU spells

Platinum Jewelry 

Silver Jewelry (2) 

Fine leather belt 

The Ecology of a Red Dragon 

The Realm of Darthon 

The Wisdom of Gaxx 

 The Magical Properties of Gemstones ,

Slimes, Molds, and Fungus: A Manual of Extermination 

Decorative amphorae (5)