Sunday, 23 February 2025

Hexcrawl to Murder (Session 287)

 SESSION 287:  Three Days Ago in a Town Named Liwil (super-side Session I)

Looking for snakey chick(s) leads to more trouble.

Weird, that's actually Cobra-Man... Oh well, the bots won't complain.

Day 244 (Liwil): “Yes it's done! Three for three”, Peg-Leg was feeling good with a complete success with this second round of potion brewing. High fives went around - Peg-leg, Chung-Li and the Stirgi alchemist. Ding-We always a mercurial bastard decided to only un-stone Rhags and Bob, “I got a plan. We need to keep one of these in reserve. The Captain can rest a bit longer”. The plan was to collect Biff and Steve and then head to the hex southeast of Liwil and address the probable medusa presence. Winter gear was acquired and the following morning they would set out. Chung-Li piped up as this was all going down, “Sir, I believe it is time for me to finish rebuilding my spell book. As you can understand.. I feel incomplete without it”. The wizard recognized that even henchman, even fruity elves, have their limits and provided no opposition, “Fill your boots…man..woman..elf…whatever you are”. 


Day 245 (Liwil - Stinkville): The weather was crisp and the snow was approaching two feet but their sturdy Basilisk Ponies made little complaint. They arrived at the stronghold before dark. Biff was elated to see BoB again and nearly squeezed the life out of her. Only his anger at the wizard for smearing her with the restorative rather than him broke Biff’s deathcrush of his mute companion. Steve broke the tension with a call to repast. Ding-We revealing a keg of ale really helped things along with his plan to get back to killing and looting. Every one of our hobos can get behind murder and loot.


Day 246 (Stinkville – Forester camp 15.24): It seems that our wizard, at some point in time when he was not brewing potions, coordinated the establishment of a forestry camp in 15.24. They would use the joint as an overnight before pressing on.


Day 247 (Forester Camp – base camp 15.24): This morning the gang of five set out for the planned base camp location. It took a couple of hours and then they spent the rest of the day setting up and plotting their incursion into the uncleared hex (15.23) that laired a medusa, or two perhaps. 


Day 248 thru 253 (base camp ßà15.23:0503/0504/0603/0703/0604/0704/0805/0705/0806/0605/0403/0404/0303): The snow was deep in the wilds and would slow down Ding-We’s new plan of hex-clearing their way to the target. They all knew that chopping would come sooner or later so even Biff let the wizard’s screwing about pass without comment. Beyond the first day when a trapped zombie was discovered in a cleft all was quiet, just boring tracks. On the fourth day a deep freeze rolled in, making things even more pleasant. Aside from some slightly old boar and human tracks the hex-clearing was completely uneventful. They realized that camp would be moved as their exploration days were exceeding ten hours.


Day 254 (move base camp 15.24 to 14.23): Camp was packed and moved to the Liwil hex. It was still damn cold.


Day 255 thru 257 (base camp ßà15.23:0205/0206/0306/0304/0405/0305): They began exploring the western portion of the hex. On the second day the stone garden sub-hex was discovered. It was more of a snowman garden during the winter season. The next day they worked around the sub-hex hoping to sight the lair without actually entering the area proper. That night there was a lunar eclipse and Ding-We was convinced that it was a sign to commence the assault.

Day 258 (base camp ßà15.23): Lunar eclipse. “A wonderful portent for our endeavours today”, exclaimed Ding-We. “Sure bud”, was Rhags retort. Biff snorted in agreement and BoB lobbed a snowball over the oblivious wizard. They set out for the stone garden. About halfway there a trio of hunting owlbears were encountered. The beasts were on a trail and did not notice the murder squad. This would expedite a murderous outcome for the beasts. But! Not before they put up a good fight. Rhags was bowled over and pretty brutally mauled by one. The outcome was a tactical retreat to camp. The eclipse was not so super great after all.


Day 259 (base camp ßà15.23:0406 the Lair): Once more they make a run at the medusa lair. This time they get there with the help of the wizard’s onyx wolf statue. The magical beast scouted the sub-hex and ascertained the actual location of the well-hidden lair. They closed in on the obscured lair entrance – a dark hole descending into the earth normally obscured by scrub brush now a little more obvious. ‘Human’ tracks were noted, moving to and fro from the hole.

They moved to a hill overlooking the cave mouth. After hunkering down Rhags was sent down to make some noise and attract attention. He wandered about for an hour trying his best to be a lure. It didn’t work out according to plan. A woman in winter cloths, with bow in hand, appeared a 100’ away coming along the gulley between hills. She immediately loosed an arrow at the dwarf before taking cover behind a snowy-stone-man. The rest of the gang launched a sneak attack on the woman pummeling her with magics and missiles. Checking out the body it was confirmed that she was a medusa. Her hood made handling the head much easier for Steve to handle after removing it from the body. Ding-We produced an alchemical jar for Steve to stuff the head into and then it was stowed away into a conveniently present bag of holding. 

It was time to enter the cavern. It rolled downwards n a noticeable angle ending 30’ later at a damaged stone door. Defaced to be precise. The door was slightly ajar revealing an antechamber. Rhags noted the quality construction, “If you ask me this was built by Dwarves”. There was a corridor going south or a wide stairwell descending deeper to the north. They took the corridor.

Passing a locked stone door they continued and took a turn. Leading to a circular chamber with at least three statues in it. Centrally there was a large bronze statue of a demonic four-armed entity with snakes for legs. Around it on the floor were numerous pelts and beyond that were two more demonic statues of stone. They did not like the look of this chamber and they could only see about half of it. They fell back and continued down the original corridor. It lead to another door. This time unlocked. Inside was a small bedchamber well beyond disrepair. A quick search did discover a silver symbol that looked like it could be on the unholy side of the ledger. They pressed on and discovered a walkthrough library full of ancient clay tablets. A scroll was found and a legible tablet. Rhags identified the language on the tablets to be old dwarven which he could not decipher. It was packed away and they decided to fall back to the first locked door.

It took some bashing to open, which echoed through the dead halls. Inside was a locked iron chest. Steve grabbed it they were about to leave when they were blasted by a lightning bolt. It looked like gargoyles. Biff blasted back with his gem of brightness. Blinding one of the two revealed monsters. Then Ding-We hit them with a freezing blast. The gargoyles did not like the situation and retreated to the circular chamber. The hobos gave chase. 

Back into the circular chamber. The gargoyles were gone, escaped through a northern passage. Now getting a look at the whole room there was five pedestals circling the demon statue all now absent of toppers. Ding-We didn’t like the looks of this and ordered a retreat. 

Returning to the surface they encountered another medusa returning to her lair. The got lucky and had the jump. Ding-We decided not to take any risks and zapped her with a lightning bolt. The body hit the ground, well scorched and unsalvageable. They double timed back to camp.


Day 260 (Return to Liwil): The snow has returned and our D-Team has failed to defeat the medusa lair. Ding-We ordered a fallback to Liwil, “I think we need Mason. All sorts of trouble in that hole”. 


The D-Team: Ding-We, Rhagnar, Steve, Biff & BoB



Hobo Steve the Lord (F9) 326064 xp +5% <360,001> CRT 1d24/V

            Brain Damaged: reduced mental capacity (tough night on the town)

Rahgnar the Dwarven Superhero (D8) 233287 xp <280001> CRT 1d20/IV

            Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)

            Critical Wound: disembowelled less able to process poison (-1 penalty)

            Missing thirteen teeth                     

Ding-We the Peg-Legged Wizard (W10) 515312 xp +10% <620001> CRT 1d10/I

            Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated, runs at ½ rate (peg required)

            The Henchmen

Biff Bartley the Half-Orc Blackguard (HO7) 102620 <120000> +5% CRT 1d12/II

‘BOB’ the Deadly Shade (N7) 64817 <90000> +5% CRT 1d16/II



Elapsed Campaign Time

(702 b) days at beginning of session 

688a (from Session 264) (also applies to recuperation) 

685d (Gang of Five)

Join us for session Two-Hundred-and-Eighty-Eight when we could ask the questions:

Did we kick off the rust?

That is two dead medusa is that the lot of them?

Who put gargoyles in the mix?

Could there be anything else?

What’s up with the demonic snake-legs guy statue?

Tale of the Tape

Chung Li needs 12 weeks (74 days) and a stack of coin to rewrite his lost spell book.  

            Elapsed: 58 days (from A-Team calendar) -back to work-for two days rested for one after brewing.

Potion Brewing: Completed three days ago



Owlbears (3) 




Silver unholy symbol 80 gp

Scroll ward against elements

Locked Iron Chest

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