SESSION 217: Sailing the Sunless Sea
Knowing that the show must go on they set sail only to quickly realize that there is no wind to be found on an underground sea.
Day 136 Continued (12.20/0605): Rest did not last long. The remaining clerics were alerted to a crunching sound coming from the underside of the ship. Ended up being giant termites undermining their repair works. Termites were introduced to death from above with a sharp object.
Day 137 (12.20/0605): After completing the rest cycle the group finished patching up the boat and then pushed it back into the water – next stop an accursed island. The ship did not do much. The sail was flat. This would take some labour, probably why it has oar holes and requisite oars. Carla took the rudder, Bunny and Saff took lookout and the rest of the gang shuffled to a bench, grabbed an oar and got to work.
The deep ones had pointed out that high above there were things that glowed ever so slightly in the cavern roof that could be used as a guide. “follow the markers of Dagon until the water bleeds and then go to its source”, recollected Carla. They began rowing towards the unknown in the silent inky blackness.
A couple hours later the nothingness was broken as the water roiled and a group of blue-skinned half-man half-fish dudes popped up for a talk. The leader introduced himself as Hans Merman and he and his were looking for trade. Carla’s eyes lit up and she jumped off the rudder to get in front of the conversation. “Would you happen to have any sweet sweet alcohol especially yum yum rum? We have shells, fish and jewelry”. Carla deflated this was not the type of trade that got her juicy. Steve piped up, “we just found some rum”. “Dammit you muppet not the hooch”, came from a now grumpier Rhagnar. After some chit chat five of the six recently discovered bottles of mid-grade (any grade is good to a dwarf) rum were traded for a nice gold and pearl necklace along with some good info regarding what was going on in this subterranean sea. More details regarding the factions were revealed. The merfolk then gave adieu to their new friends and once more disappeared into the black sea. Our hobos rowed on across the glassy black sea following the strange luminance far above on the upper portion of this massive cavern. Rhags thought this was a good time to open the remaining bottle of mid-grade rum before some dingbat gave it away for trinkets. The bottle was enjoyed and nothing weird happened. However, a situation did arise when Rhags tried taking a piss over the side of the boat, he followed his stream into the drink and began sinking like the armoured rock he is.
He did however have the wits to turn his gem of brightness on so we could all see him drown. Those aboard the ship watched as Rhags exited this world as it looked like another causulty was inevitable. But! Then slowly like molasses Ding-We formed an idea. He pulled out his wand of polymorphing and changed Steve into one of the blue fishmen. Steve-O-Merman plunged into the black waters and got to Rhags in a flash. He grabbed his chum and forced a dosage of water breathing potion down his gob now he had time to find away to get the bearded boulder to the surface. It was likely not going to work out but Bunny was quick to the trigger and shot the rope of climbing down towards the dwarf as Steve-Fish was racing to deliver the potion. Steve got Rhags on the rope and assisted with his assent. Getting the two back on board the alteration was ended and Steve was one more a hobo. Rhags was exhausted but was only afforded ten minutes, as Steve refueled, before rowing on for many hours until rest was needed by all.
Day 138 (12.20/0605): All was dead quiet as they rested. Once more the oars broke the silence. They could now see the glowing red tide of Abyzou beginning to mix with the otherwise black water. They were getting closer to the island. A couple of hours later the red tide began to dominate the waters. It seemed that there was some sort of small polyp like creatures that were the source of the red ambiance. This was a good time for something twisted by the red tide to ambush our explorers. It did not come from the sea. It came from the ‘sky’. Danger knows no limits in this twisted world. A tentacle-faced wyvern type thing dropped onto the port of the ship and began making mayhem.
The silly bugger dropped right into the largely fighters portion of the rowing section and Rhags for one was itchy for some stress release. With a roar Rhags, Steve and Charles dropped the damnable oars before getting too much of a pre-beating. Mason not being a fighter got the short end of the stick and was pinned under one of the beasts mighty clawed feet. The ship shook, groaned and then began to crack, it was seriously considering giving up.
Not much later they began to hear the guttural calls of numerous creatures. The island began to appear as a blacker area surrounded by the glowing red waters. The noises were sourced to a shark patrolled rocky atoll populated by sausage-like mammalian creatures with tentacled mouths and ripe with festering boils. They sailed past and began to circumnavigate the island in search of port.
Going around the “top” of the island nothing but steep cliffs. Bunny’s eagle did however spot a heavy rope dangling in the rocks. It appeared to be fastened to something atop the island. They brought the ship in for closer investigation. The cliff face was composed of jagged black rock covered in barnacles and slick with the somewhat viscous red tide. This may be the only way up and we know the water ain’t safe this should be evaluated.
Bunny disembarked and scaled the rope. It was tied to the stump of a once sturdy tree, she was satisfied that the rope was heavy, well affixed and sturdy. Going back down the 40 or so feet to the ships level she relayed the info to the gang. Once the ship was anchored and secured Bunny ran the rope of climbing up the cliff along the side of the discovered rope as a bit of an assist and safety for the other doofuses. They all made it to the top.
They stood in a strange forest of tall trees that sprouted long relaxed fronds from only the apex. The ground was mostly sandy but an eye was required to navigate as the sharp black rocks poked upwards here and there. While most of the group were figuring things out Bunny discovered a hollow in the stump. Inside she found some goodies stashed under some leaves. She grabbed a gnarly rabbit’s foot and presented the rest. Rhags, one not to learn any lessons in life, was amped to see another five bottles of rum. They pressed on, time to explore the island and find the rotten cultists.
Working their way down from the high point of the island a spectral entity appeared moving perpendicular to the group. Ding-We called out to the being. Things then went sideways. The spectral entity then noted our group and turned towards them a let out a harrowing scream. The sound cut to the bone and immediately aged Rhags, Bunny and Charles by a decade. Rhags were indifferent but the other two were traumatized. Fortunately their bodies survived the shock and did not drop dead on the spot. It was a malicious spirit. Carla jumped to the fore with her holy symbol ahigh. See called down the divine might to turn away the apparition. It worked and the spirit sunk back into the earth from whence it came. Bunny and Charles collapsed struggling to not let shock take them. As they stabilized the rest of the group contemplated their next move after one final detail is noticed. The creatures on the rocky outcrop could still be heard not all that far off in the distance, perhaps this island isn’t all that big. So where are the ‘bad guys’?
Carla the Green High Priestess of TMB (C9) 296582 xp +10% <300001> CRT 1d12/III
Scars: permanent loss left index finger and scarring on arm
Bimbles the High Priest of GSS (C9) 270698 xp +5% <300001> CRT 1d12/III
Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed arm
Hobo Steve the Lord (F9) 282057 xp +5% <360,001> CRT 1d24/V
Brain Damaged: reduced mental capacity (tough night on the town)
Touched from Beyond the Grave (Sloth): Eating disorder (x2 food) -5’ mve
Blessing of Orcus (Consumption -1 CON)
Injury: -1 STR from brutal arm shatter
Rahgnar the Dwarven Superhero (D8) 203046 xp <280001> CRT 1d20/IV
Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)
Critical Wound: disembowelled less able to process poison (-1 penalty)
Missing thirteen teeth
Raul the Voyager (MD8) 238829 xp +10% <240000> CRT 1d12/III
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -4,
Removed one of his own nostrils.
Boris the Dwarven Lord (D9) 352754 xp +10% <400001> CRT 1d20/IV
Serious wound: permanent loss of CHA -3, carved up face
Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed arm
Wound: Bad leg (-5’ MV)
Multiple Injuries: lost 25 teeth (7 remaining), drools a lot CHA -1
Serious Injury: Brain Drain -2 INT
Serious wound: permanent loss of an eye (-1 to missile fire)
Injury: -Crushed -8” H
Ding-We the Peg-Legged Sorcerer (W9) 456405 xp +10% <470001> CRT 1d10/I
Critical Wound: Left leg obliterated, runs at ½ rate (peg required)
Bunny the Thief! (T9) 250189 xp <280001> +10% CRT 1d20/II
Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand
Ramrod the Cloned Magsman (T8) 153935 xp +5% <160001> CRT 1d20/II
Serious wound: Bad Back (-1 stone CC)
Scars: Neurological damage to hip, noticeable limp (-5’ mve)
Missing eight teeth talks with a lisp
The Henchmen
Saffron the Mad Fairy Queen of Ribbits (FY7) 173128 xp <200001> CRT 1d10/III
Moderate wound: Scar on abdomen
Lasting injury: -1 STR, mashed guts
Sloth the Bopper (L7) 170997 xp +10% <178800> CRT 1d20/IV or 1d6/G (vs. s, m)
Mental Illness: Mummy-a-phobic
Missing ten teeth
Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Swami Girl (PS7) 109599 xp +5% <125000> CRT 1d16/II
Wraith Drained: -1 CON
Biff Bartley the Half-Orc Blackguard (HO7) 101166 <120000> +5% CRT 1d12/II
Lasting injury: Crushed spinal column -6”H, -5’mv, -10% thieving
Sasha Plasha the Warden (R8) 116826 xp +10% <200000> CRT 1d10/III
‘BOB’ the Deadly Shade (N7) 64817 <90000> +5% CRT 1d16/II
Felix Ignatius Hemlock the once skeletal Sleuth (I7) 47017 <80001> +5% CRT 1d16/II
Mason the Lama of Yrrrg. (C7) 57293 <100001> CRT 1d10/III
Charles in Charge the Myrmidon (F6) 55424 <64000> +10% CRT 1d16/IV
Critical Wound: Punctured lung (-2 CON)
Mostly DEAD. (-1 CON)
Gurn Hammerhand the Dwarven Swashbuckler (D4) 21514 <36000> +5% CRT 1d12/III
Wendul the Magician (W6) 43262 <80000> 5% CRT 1d8/I
Dolec Da the Hero (F5) 40244 xp +10% <64000> CRT 1d20/IV
Missing five teeth
Camillus the Myrmidon (F7) 81443 <120001> +5% CRT 1d20/IV
Injury: -1 STR from brutal arm shatter
Injury: -5’mv from brutal arm shatter
Willy the Reformed Burglar (T5) 18256<20000>10% CRT 1d14/II
Chung-Li the Myrmidon Warlock (E6) 103411 xp <120000> +10% CRT 1d8/II
Brett & Jermaine Kobold Cooks & Eavesdroppers Extraordinaire
BoB is the lone lawn ornament for the Basilisk Knights.
Boris & Camillus rehab (correction of structural injuries) for 14 days
Elapsed: 7 days
Chung Li needs 12 weeks and a stack of coin to rewrite his lost spell book.
Elapsed: 7 days
Sloth rehab 14 days
Elapsed: 3 days
Bimbles, dead as a doornail
Elapsed Campaign Time
585 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)
Join us for session Two-Hundred-and-Eighteen when we ask the questions:
Just how safe is this red goop safe?
Where are the cultists so we can get this done?
Tale of the Tape
Charles got wacked in the noggin by a super-sized termite and lost 4 teeth
Mason, Rhags, Bunny – aged ten years by a malevolent spirit
Exploration Below
Location hex: 12.20
Giant Sea Termites (5)
Wyvern Tentacle Thing
Ghost - Turned
Gold & Pearl necklace 100 gp
Bottles of Rum (5)
Flint & Steel
Silver signalling mirror
Potion of Water Breathing
Gnarly rabbits foot