Tuesday 5 July 2022

Tomb of the Sea Kings Once More Into the Breach (Session 118h)

 SESSION 118h: If at First you Don’t Succeed (????2020)

            Back at the dig site, surface works continued around us as we bandaged ourselves up and prepared for the second kick at the tomb. Nap Talfor and the workers largely ignored us during this time. Nap seemed to be struggling with his patience but it didn’t get the better of him. The next morning came and we re-entered the tomb with just a bit of fanfare.

            “Clear the complex get me the sword, loot the treasure and get rich. That is what you do not nap at my dig site….”

Back inside. This time Bunny didn’t mess with the door and it let us pass freely. We returned to the velvet rope and it tried to punish Bunny for her good behavior. “Get your damn dirty velvet rope offa me!” The stanchions believed in non-violence and simply stood their ground highly ashamed of their rope-less nudity. 

Just beyond the rope was the FLOWER ROOM: A small room with a table along the west wall with the mundane junk throughout the room. Finding no treasure useless items were stolen, better something than nothing (DM -time to do a random encumbrance crack down). Moving along we came to another chamber, CANDLE CHAMBER: containing a small dust-covered table along the east wall of this area. On the table is a lit, half-used candle in a small brass holder. There are 3 dusty books on the table. Loading the packs even further they moved on to the next room. CREMATORIUM: A small room with a large stone table with a perforated top in the middle. Under the table is a set of winding copper pipes with numerous small flames. Protruding from the north wall was a small iron spin-wheel, it did nifty during things. The toys as the oft do distracted the mob. Much to the terror of our nameless torchbearers this chamber had occupants -three giant crab spiders. Death once more drinks from our cup.

Moving to the northern most portion of the tomb we discovered two shrewdly hidden doors that couldn’t keep Bunny out. SECRET UNDEAD LABORATORY:  In this room there are 2 concrete tables. On one lies a nude body of a man bound in chains, his skin pale and eyes large and black. Quickly confirmed to be a zombie, so we stuck a knife through whatever was left of his brain. On the other table sat glass beakers and other lab equipment. In one glass vessel a boiling black substance is being fed through a glass tube into the now mutilated zombie. 

The next chamber was fun. SECRET MIRROR ROOM: The walls of this room were covered by thick red curtains that hung by rings on long poles. Behind the walls of this room were mirrors. In the west portion of this room stood a pedestal, about 4' tall. On it many paint brushes, paints, and an easel. The room was a source of confusion, fear and time wasting. The latter resulting in a pair of hook horrors attempting to have us for lunch.

Eventually BoB, painted a flower on a portion of mirror and it manifested. As luck would have it greed quickly kicked in and two meatshields were lost to the mirror. Woodeee in a last second show of guts painted a sword and it turned into a human fighter whom simply stepped into the ranks and awaited – Adventure! And then we had one more idea to really chap my hide, “let’s paint a map of the tomb!”. So it was painted, so it shall be done. With map in hand we pressed onto the next chamber - the living quarters of Malikseer the Magician. Players are dicks, deserving of all malign outcomes that rain down upon their little heads. Fortunately wording must be precise, and they only got a map of this level (for very reasonable reasons). 

MAGICIAN'S ROOM: Malikseer, the magic-user was obviously inside his chamber and heard us coming. He was invisible and preparing to sneak attack our hobo strike team. He could have roasted us but he was not prepared for the ‘shock and awe’ breach and gave away his location. Things quickly got worse for him. This is a large, 5-sided room with a fire pit burning in the center. Along the southwest wall lies a bed. On the south, east, and north walls are large bookshelves full of books. To the west, where the room comes to a point, sat a small laboratory. Bunsen burners were cooking some sort of liquid in glass beakers.  

CURSED ROOM OF THE GENIE LAMP: This room was accessed by a set of stairs leading 20’ down. Suddenly, there is darkness beyond the 2nd step. No amount of light pierced the dark, mundane or magical. However, there was one light source that will work, we eventually remembered that the odd thing had been found earlier. The Candle (from the Candle Chamber) issued a pale light within this room— just enough to see our way through and avoid the numerous open bottomless pits. The easternmost pit was not bottomless and contained an empty coffin instead of infinite death (or did it?). At the westernmost portion of this room sat a 4’ tall column, on it a gold pillow with a brass “lamp” on top of it. BoB went for a rub, a column of smoke poured out of the spout and Yasser Imaphat the Djinn appeared. “Hey guys long time no company. Too bad for yous but no wishes this time, try again in a thousand years. There used to be a time when I could pop  those things out like a chicken lays eggs. But hey don’t frown ‘cuz you gots a new blue pal in ‘tha house – whoop whoop whaat whaaat boing boing! So let us get this party started.”


Bunny the Raconteur (T8) 126288 xp <160001> +10% CRT 1d20/II

            Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand

Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Sadhaka Girl (P5) 26649 xp <33200> +5% CRT 1d6/I

Biff Bartley the Half-Orc Thug (HO4) 13072 <14000> +5% CRT 1d12/II

‘BOB’ the Shadow Dancer (N5) 13132<22400> +5% CRT 1d14/II

Felix Ignatius Hemlock the Criminalist (I5) 12373<20001> +5% CRT 1d12/II



Woodeee the Elf (E4)

Mason the Cleric of Yrrrg. (C5)

Karl the Fighter Nobody Talks About (F4)

XXXX the Fighter of Colour Commentary (F3)

Yasser Imaphat the Djinn (D?)



Sammox the man-at-arms

Hillwin the torch-bearer

Goldash the man-at-arms

Harstad the torch-bearer


Elapsed Campaign Time

265 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation) 

Join us for session One-Hundred-and-Eighteen ‘I’ when we ask the questions:

Why is there a coffin at the bottom of the pit?

What evil lurks deeper in this complex?

Should we paint more?

Tale of the Tape

Two more meatshields moved beyond the pale.

Woodeee painted a new chum to life

Yasser Imaphat the djinn was awoken and seems game to hang awhile


Velvet Rope  50

Crab Spiders (3) 124

Hook Horrors (2) 500

Malikseer the Magician (MU7) 250


7 gp

Potion of water breathing (2)

Potion of Stone Giant Control

Gold Pillow


Yasser Imaphat the Djinn (1); hp 22
AC 5; MV 9/24; HD 7+1; ML 12
ATT: strike or whirlwind
DAM: 2d6-1 or special (see below)
Special: May carry up to 6,000 g.p. weight. May go gaseous, or summon a whirlwind twice per day (30’ range). May return to lamp at will. The whirlwind will kill and sweep away any creatures of 2 HD or below. Others take 2d6-1 hit points of damage per round. Area of effect 5’ radius (four squares).


D8 Lvl 4 as Elf (13000) S:11 D:16 C:17 I:9 W:14 C:15 


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