SESSION 118j: Fortunes Swing
And so, with our 3D glasses in hand we went down the passage to the large singular chamber. After too much debate the hobos were largely wearing their fancy spectacles. ROTOSCOPE DRAGON ROOM: This is a large circular room with 2' slits in the outer wall. A wide stone pillar occupies the center of the room. A large crank protrudes from the pillar. The gang was a little perplexed and so some of them put on the glasses, just in case of something, as Charles decided to turn the crank. The outer wall began to spin clockwise. Light flashed from the perforations in the wall. Two things happened. first a white dragon materialized, it was only visible to those wearing the nifty glasses, and a door appeared on the far side of the chamber. The dragon acted first, unleashing its devastating frost breath. Five of the group were immediately frozen solid. Woody, Karl and the torchbearers could not survive the process and exploded into tiny frozen flesh fragments. BoB was fortunate enough to stay in one piece. Charles and Felix committed to some heroic acrobatics as the dragon flew overhead, but neither were successful in the execution portion of their routines. All the while Nara attempted to utilize a psionic power that she did not have access to... Either way the fight didn’t last much longer, as the beast turned out to be malnourished, but the damage had been done. Fortune returned when the dragon’s horde contained two potions of ‘Freeze-B-Gone™’. BoB would live to ninja another day and the encounter had paid well in coin and jewelry. We patched our wounds and pressed on. That is the MurderHobo way of life after all.
SPRIGGAN'S ROOM: A bedroom with a large, oval rug. A prominent symbol from the gypsy charm is stitched into the rug. There was a bed, underneath it was an old beat up rug of similar design with a note attached that stating:
In the southeast corner are lots of loose gears and cogs of various size and condition. The lumps connected the dots and realized this all had something to do with the very late Lord Crot and left it at that.
ANTI-VAMP ROOM: A large oval shaped room whose floor has been inscribed with symbols identical to those found on the gypsy charm.
OCEAN PEARL ROOM: A large humid room filled with water that resembles murky ocean surf. At the centre of the area, protruding downward from the ceiling was a massive eagle claw clutching a giant pearl with a solid gold clasp. We entered this chamber from a secret door found along the ring corridor surrounding this strange room. Bunny used her rope of climbing to reach the humungous pearl. Fortunately, Charles utilized one of Franz’s newly discovered powers and through the use of x-ray vision noted two rather large prehistoric fish swimming around this bizarre indoor sea. Bunny crawled out towards the loot and procured a yak from her almost forgotten ‘Bag-O-Critters™’. Poor Yakee was just the needed diversion. Arriving at the pearl, it was preposterously large maybe even impossibly large. Bunny was amped. Mister T and Flava-Flav would have nothing on her once she got some gold rope to hang this thing from. She started prying. The eagle leg came to life, of course, and conveniently dropped its treasure into a waiting sack. Bunny then crawled as if her life depended on it back along the rope to escape the chamber. Fortune returned, as strong as the eagle leg was it was only a leg and had no eyes by which to zero in on Bunny. She got back to the door and it was hurriedly closed before the claw could get to the group. Feeling lucky again they pressed on.
MINE ENTRANCE: There was a small table on the west wall. A scale on the table held a handful of diamonds. Pick axes, shovels, and mining carts strewn here and there. On the east wall a sturdy, locked, metal gate. Heavy sounds of picks and shovels were heard beyond. Bunny picked the lock and we moved cautiously into the mine.
MINE: A black and twisting area of rough cavern that all hoped was a diamond mine. Within the depths a brutish goblin-like creature (spriggan) commanding a pair of chained up gnomish fellows with large plate-like eyes (pechs) were toiling. The pechs were clearly starving and obviously slaves. “All lives matter!” was hollered as the rotten slaver was charged. We hurt it bad and then it tripled in size and waged a counter attack. We took a few lumps before sundering its malignant dome. The two gnome-like creatures (Amos & Andy) thanked us and said that if we ever had a problem with "stone" they would be here mining away. They offered us the handful of diamonds from the previous room as a just reward. The loot only had not been scooped earlier and as such the hobos graciously accepted. They then ate with the deep gnomes and pressed on.
HALL OF CRYING ANGELS: A wide corridor with 5 statues of angels that were kind enough to be crying blood (increasing amounts the longer we were near them). The status held swords above their heads forming a sort of archway, beyond which is a black marble door. This scared our group of cowards and we retreated back to the Spriggan’s chamber to rest and build courage. Amos & Andy were nice enough not to complain about the bloody foot steps all over the place.
Bunny the Raconteur (T8) 127949 xp <160001> +10% CRT 1d20/II
Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand
Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Sadhaka Girl (P5) 28310 xp <33200> +5% CRT 1d6/I
Biff Bartley the Half-Orc XXX (HO5) 15433 <28000> +5% CRT 1d12/II
‘BOB’ the Shadow Dancer (N5) 14793<22400> +5% CRT 1d14/II
Felix Ignatius Hemlock the Criminalist (I5) 14034<20001> +5% CRT 1d12/II
Woodeee the Elf (E4) 23036 xp <32000>
Mason the Cleric of Yrrrg. (C5) 14037 <25000>
Karl the Fighter Nobody Talks About (F4) 12036 <16000>
Charles in Charge the Fighter of Colour Commentary (F3) 7558 <8000> +10%
Yasser Imaphat the Djinn (D2) 3958 <4800>
Hillwin the torch-bearer
Harstad the torch-bearer
Elapsed Campaign Time
266 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation)
Join us for session One-Hundred-and-Eighteen ‘K’ when we ask the questions:
What evil lurks beyond the marble door?
What is up with those bloody angels?
Will Nara be punished for cheating?
Tale of the Tape
Carnage in the rotoscope chamber, of the white dragon. Woodeeee, Karl and the torchbearers were immediately turned into ice cubes. BoB narrowly escaped this fate, she better start rebuilding her luck reserves.
White Dragon 1070
Spriggan 1820
8000 gp
Gold tiara set with gems (3000 gp)
Ivory pendant (400 gp)
Silver bracelet set with gems (4000 gp)
Wrought gold necklace (800 gp)
Wrought gold pendant (1100 gp)
The world’s biggest Pearl w/gold clasp (20000 gp)