Friday, 22 July 2022

Murder Bits (Session 118j)

 SESSION 118j: Fortunes Swing

            And so, with our 3D glasses in hand we went down the passage to the large singular chamber. After too much debate the hobos were largely wearing their fancy spectacles. ROTOSCOPE DRAGON ROOM: This is a large circular room with 2' slits in the outer wall. A wide stone pillar occupies the center of the room. A large crank protrudes from the pillar. The gang was a little perplexed and so some of them put on the glasses, just in case of something, as Charles decided to turn the crank. The outer wall began to spin clockwise. Light flashed from the perforations in the wall. Two things happened. first a white dragon materialized, it was only visible to those wearing the nifty glasses, and a door appeared on the far side of the chamber. The dragon acted first, unleashing its devastating frost breath. Five of the group were immediately frozen solid. Woody, Karl and the torchbearers could not survive the process and exploded into tiny frozen flesh fragments. BoB was fortunate enough to stay in one piece. Charles and Felix committed to some heroic acrobatics as the dragon flew overhead, but neither were successful in the execution portion of their routines. All the while Nara attempted to utilize a psionic power that she did not have access to... Either way the fight didn’t last much longer, as the beast turned out to be malnourished, but the damage had been done. Fortune returned when the dragon’s horde contained two potions of ‘Freeze-B-Gone™’. BoB would live to ninja another day and the encounter had paid well in coin and jewelry. We patched our wounds and pressed on. That is the MurderHobo way of life after all. 

SPRIGGAN'S ROOM: A bedroom with a large, oval rug. A prominent symbol from the gypsy charm is stitched into the rug. There was a bed, underneath it was an old beat up rug of similar design with a note attached that stating: 


In the southeast corner are lots of loose gears and cogs of various size and condition. The lumps connected the dots and realized this all had something to do with the very late Lord Crot and left it at that.


ANTI-VAMP ROOM: A large oval shaped room whose floor has been inscribed with symbols identical to those found on the gypsy charm.  


OCEAN PEARL ROOM: A large humid room filled with water that resembles murky ocean surf. At the centre of the area, protruding downward from the ceiling was a massive eagle claw clutching a giant pearl with a solid gold clasp. We entered this chamber from a secret door found along the ring corridor surrounding this strange room. Bunny used her rope of climbing to reach the humungous pearl. Fortunately, Charles utilized one of Franz’s newly discovered powers and through the use of x-ray vision noted two rather large prehistoric fish swimming around this bizarre indoor sea. Bunny crawled out towards the loot and procured a yak from her almost forgotten ‘Bag-O-Critters™’. Poor Yakee was just the needed diversion. Arriving at the pearl, it was preposterously large maybe even impossibly large. Bunny was amped. Mister T and Flava-Flav would have nothing on her once she got some gold rope to hang this thing from. She started prying. The eagle leg came to life, of course, and conveniently dropped its treasure into a waiting sack. Bunny then crawled as if her life depended on it back along the rope to escape the chamber. Fortune returned, as strong as the eagle leg was  it was only a leg and had no eyes by which to zero in on Bunny. She got back to the door and it was hurriedly closed before the claw could get to the group. Feeling lucky again they pressed on.

MINE ENTRANCE: There was a small table on the west wall. A scale on the table held a handful of diamonds. Pick axes, shovels, and mining carts strewn here and there. On the east wall a sturdy, locked, metal gate. Heavy sounds of picks and shovels were heard beyond. Bunny picked the lock and we moved cautiously into the mine.

MINE: A black and twisting area of rough cavern that all hoped was a diamond mine. Within the depths a brutish goblin-like creature (spriggan) commanding a pair of chained up gnomish fellows with large plate-like eyes (pechs) were toiling. The pechs were clearly starving and obviously slaves. “All lives matter!” was hollered as the rotten slaver was charged. We hurt it bad and then it tripled in size and waged a counter attack. We took a few lumps before sundering its malignant dome. The two gnome-like creatures (Amos & Andy) thanked us and said that if we ever had a problem with "stone" they would be here mining away. They offered us the handful of diamonds from the previous room as a just reward. The loot only had not been scooped earlier and as such the hobos graciously accepted. They then ate with the deep gnomes and pressed on. 

HALL OF CRYING ANGELS: A wide corridor with 5 statues of angels that were kind enough to be crying blood (increasing amounts the longer we were near them). The status held swords above their heads forming a sort of archway, beyond which is a black marble door. This scared our group of cowards and we retreated back to the Spriggan’s chamber to rest and build courage. Amos & Andy were nice enough not to complain about the bloody foot steps all over the place.



Bunny the Raconteur (T8) 127949 xp <160001> +10% CRT 1d20/II

            Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand

Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Sadhaka Girl (P5) 28310 xp <33200> +5% CRT 1d6/I

Biff Bartley the Half-Orc XXX (HO5) 15433 <28000> +5% CRT 1d12/II

‘BOB’ the Shadow Dancer (N5) 14793<22400> +5% CRT 1d14/II

Felix Ignatius Hemlock the Criminalist (I5) 14034<20001> +5% CRT 1d12/II



Woodeee the Elf (E4) 23036 xp <32000>

Mason the Cleric of Yrrrg. (C5) 14037 <25000>

Karl the Fighter Nobody Talks About (F4) 12036 <16000>

Charles in Charge the Fighter of Colour Commentary (F3) 7558 <8000> +10%

Yasser Imaphat the Djinn (D2) 3958 <4800>



Hillwin the torch-bearer

Harstad the torch-bearer


Elapsed Campaign Time

266 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation) 

Join us for session One-Hundred-and-Eighteen ‘K’ when we ask the questions:

What evil lurks beyond the marble door?

What is up with those bloody angels?

Will Nara be punished for cheating?

Tale of the Tape

Carnage in the rotoscope chamber, of the white dragon. Woodeeee, Karl and the torchbearers were immediately turned into ice cubes. BoB narrowly escaped this fate, she better start rebuilding her luck reserves.


White Dragon 1070

Spriggan 1820


8000 gp

Gold tiara set with gems (3000 gp)

Ivory pendant (400 gp)

Silver bracelet set with gems (4000 gp)

Wrought gold necklace (800 gp)

Wrought gold pendant (1100 gp)

The world’s biggest Pearl w/gold clasp (20000 gp)

Monday, 18 July 2022

Mmm Piece of Candy (Session 118i)

 SESSION 118i: Mmm, Piece of Candy

            With yet another recruit (Yasser) in hand we pressed on (after investigating the coffin) in search of the elusive legged-serpent sword. Things were about to get odd(er).

GOLD, SILVER, AND COPPER TOMBS: Set into the north wall of this room are three upright sarcophagi each made of a different metal and with keyhole. This was cautionary and the mob moved on, for the moment.

GOLD, SILVER, AND COPPER PILLARS: Three pillar-like pedestals are spaced at regular intervals, all 4 feet tall and made of the noted coloured metals and once more with keyhole. 

The gang were now perplexed by this point, so it was the perfect time for a horde of huge spiders to come looking for a meal. We cast spells and ignited copious amounts of oil to achieve victory. Pressing on we entered the third tri-coloured riddle room..

GOLD, SILVER, AND COPPER KEYS: In the west portion of this room hung 3 coloured metal keys from the ceiling. The string from which the keys were attached was indestructible but had play...

After a bunch of fiddle-butting the riddle was solved and the treasure of the tombs was revealed.

Inside the gold sarcophagus is a small wooden box with a latch. It held three potions of healing, a vial of holy water, a head of garlic, 6 wooden stakes, a mallet, and a gypsy charm. The gypsy charm is an oval shaped amulet on a leather string, engraved with indecipherable runes. The contents were a not so subtle suggestion to be on our guard, that we ignored. Inside the silver sarcophagus is an old shriveled body pierced by 3 stakes, one of them through the heart. The hand of the dusty corpse still clutches a discolored scrap of paper. Upon it is a sketch of a dark sword engraved with an angular legged serpent on its blade. Runes below the drawing read: DO NOT WIELD. This seemed like some sort of not-so-cryptic warning.

Inside the copper sarcophagus was a tree stump. It is black and its roots had broken the stone floor in places. Stuck into the top of the stump was a sword with a dark emerald blade. It's hilt is stylized silver in the shape of a tree.  It was intelligent, of lawful alignment and likes to be known as Franz. Felix was the first to handle it but he was quickly reminded that nobody and nothing likes a pompous twat like Felix. The sword was handed off to Charles and a bond was formed immediately. Packed with fresh loot we moved deeper into the complex, blissfully ignoring any possible cryptic warnings we had found.

BLOOD FREEZER: The temperature here was just above freezing. The far walls lined with shelves holding many small vials of a crimson fluid. In the west of the chamber is a stone table holding a pale human corpse being drained of any remanent vital fluids into a jug. Bloody rags littered the floor at the center of the room. Hidden among the rubbish was a gypsy charm amulet. Neat. Biff put it on. We pressed on. 

GOGGLE ROOM: This room contained 2 wooden racks with multiple pairs (enough for the whole party) of large spectacles. Each pair has one red and one blue lens. This weirded our hobos out more than the vampire warnings. There were three passageways out of this chamber. One of which had a luxurious carpet leading to an illuminated chamber. We choose that one it seemed like we should go that way. Lord Crot was waiting.

VAMPIRE ROOM: This room is accessed by a thick red carpet which begins in the south corridor near the Google Room. It is a large carpeted room with elegant furniture, and a fire pit in the middle of it. In the northeast corner sat a large red arm chair, in it was a creepy looking pale fellow. This was  Lord Crot's, the vampire, lair - as had been foreshadowed... 

    We rolled right in without any concern for the horde of foreshadowing devices (again see the slow crash forming through the whole session). “I am Crot and you is fresh, Hot damn fresh juice!”. His arrogance gave us a chance to strike first. A ball of fire and bolts of energy seemed only to irritate Crot. He leaped into our group. First dominating Charles and then taking a bite out of Yasser. Our Djinn was drained like a drink box and cast aside (remember, in fantasy anything can happen). Fighting ensued. Crot then took a bite out of Bif and we learned that the strange gypsy charm was wearing provided a proof against level drain. This may have turned the battle. Crot was physically defeated, turned to gas and made a flow for his coffin to rejuvenate. Unfortunately for him we knew where he was going and this would be the last the words ever heard from Lord Crot - "Screw you murderous hobos, all i wanted was a Pepsi!". Returning to the vampire’s lair we had a looting party and it was good.



Bunny the Raconteur (T8) 127949 xp <160001> +10% CRT 1d20/II

            Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand

Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Sadhaka Girl (P5) 28310 xp <33200> +5% CRT 1d6/I

Biff Bartley the Half-Orc XXX (HO5) 15433 <28000> +5% CRT 1d12/II

‘BOB’ the Shadow Dancer (N5) 14793<22400> +5% CRT 1d14/II

Felix Ignatius Hemlock the Criminalist (I5) 14034<20001> +5% CRT 1d12/II



Woodeee the Elf (E4) 23036 xp <32000>

Mason the Cleric of Yrrrg. (C5) 14037 <25000>

Karl the Fighter Nobody Talks About (F4) 12036 <16000>

Charles in Charge the Fighter of Colour Commentary (F3) 7558 <8000> +10%

Yasser Imaphat the Djinn (D2) 3958 <4800>



Hillwin the torch-bearer

Harstad the torch-bearer


Elapsed Campaign Time

266 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation) 

Join us for session One-Hundred-and-Eighteen ‘J’ when we ask the questions:

Have we learned anything, yet?

How did nobody die?

Seems like we have finally found the treasure highway, how far will we ride it?

Tale of the Tape

It really should have ended very poorly


Huge Spiders (9) 360

Lord Crot the Vampire 3150


Plate Mail +1

Franz the Abolisher of Evil Longsword +1/+2 vs Undead

1000 gp

300 pp

1.     Alexandrite (500 gp)

2.     Aquamarine (500 gp)

3.     Black Pearl (500 gp)

4.     Blue Quartz (10 gp)

5.     Canary Diamond (5000 gp)

6.     Chrysoberyl (100 gp)

7.     Golden Yellow Topaz (500 gp)

8.     Jet (100 gp)

9.     Obsidian (10 gp)

10.  Red Spinel (100 gp)

11.  Rose Quartz (50 gp)

12.  2 x Sardonyx (50 gp)

13.  Tourmaline (100 gp)

14.  Violet Garnet (500 gp)

Total value = 8070 gp

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Tomb of the Sea Kings Once More Into the Breach (Session 118h)

 SESSION 118h: If at First you Don’t Succeed (????2020)

            Back at the dig site, surface works continued around us as we bandaged ourselves up and prepared for the second kick at the tomb. Nap Talfor and the workers largely ignored us during this time. Nap seemed to be struggling with his patience but it didn’t get the better of him. The next morning came and we re-entered the tomb with just a bit of fanfare.

            “Clear the complex get me the sword, loot the treasure and get rich. That is what you do not nap at my dig site….”

Back inside. This time Bunny didn’t mess with the door and it let us pass freely. We returned to the velvet rope and it tried to punish Bunny for her good behavior. “Get your damn dirty velvet rope offa me!” The stanchions believed in non-violence and simply stood their ground highly ashamed of their rope-less nudity. 

Just beyond the rope was the FLOWER ROOM: A small room with a table along the west wall with the mundane junk throughout the room. Finding no treasure useless items were stolen, better something than nothing (DM -time to do a random encumbrance crack down). Moving along we came to another chamber, CANDLE CHAMBER: containing a small dust-covered table along the east wall of this area. On the table is a lit, half-used candle in a small brass holder. There are 3 dusty books on the table. Loading the packs even further they moved on to the next room. CREMATORIUM: A small room with a large stone table with a perforated top in the middle. Under the table is a set of winding copper pipes with numerous small flames. Protruding from the north wall was a small iron spin-wheel, it did nifty during things. The toys as the oft do distracted the mob. Much to the terror of our nameless torchbearers this chamber had occupants -three giant crab spiders. Death once more drinks from our cup.

Moving to the northern most portion of the tomb we discovered two shrewdly hidden doors that couldn’t keep Bunny out. SECRET UNDEAD LABORATORY:  In this room there are 2 concrete tables. On one lies a nude body of a man bound in chains, his skin pale and eyes large and black. Quickly confirmed to be a zombie, so we stuck a knife through whatever was left of his brain. On the other table sat glass beakers and other lab equipment. In one glass vessel a boiling black substance is being fed through a glass tube into the now mutilated zombie. 

The next chamber was fun. SECRET MIRROR ROOM: The walls of this room were covered by thick red curtains that hung by rings on long poles. Behind the walls of this room were mirrors. In the west portion of this room stood a pedestal, about 4' tall. On it many paint brushes, paints, and an easel. The room was a source of confusion, fear and time wasting. The latter resulting in a pair of hook horrors attempting to have us for lunch.

Eventually BoB, painted a flower on a portion of mirror and it manifested. As luck would have it greed quickly kicked in and two meatshields were lost to the mirror. Woodeee in a last second show of guts painted a sword and it turned into a human fighter whom simply stepped into the ranks and awaited – Adventure! And then we had one more idea to really chap my hide, “let’s paint a map of the tomb!”. So it was painted, so it shall be done. With map in hand we pressed onto the next chamber - the living quarters of Malikseer the Magician. Players are dicks, deserving of all malign outcomes that rain down upon their little heads. Fortunately wording must be precise, and they only got a map of this level (for very reasonable reasons). 

MAGICIAN'S ROOM: Malikseer, the magic-user was obviously inside his chamber and heard us coming. He was invisible and preparing to sneak attack our hobo strike team. He could have roasted us but he was not prepared for the ‘shock and awe’ breach and gave away his location. Things quickly got worse for him. This is a large, 5-sided room with a fire pit burning in the center. Along the southwest wall lies a bed. On the south, east, and north walls are large bookshelves full of books. To the west, where the room comes to a point, sat a small laboratory. Bunsen burners were cooking some sort of liquid in glass beakers.  

CURSED ROOM OF THE GENIE LAMP: This room was accessed by a set of stairs leading 20’ down. Suddenly, there is darkness beyond the 2nd step. No amount of light pierced the dark, mundane or magical. However, there was one light source that will work, we eventually remembered that the odd thing had been found earlier. The Candle (from the Candle Chamber) issued a pale light within this room— just enough to see our way through and avoid the numerous open bottomless pits. The easternmost pit was not bottomless and contained an empty coffin instead of infinite death (or did it?). At the westernmost portion of this room sat a 4’ tall column, on it a gold pillow with a brass “lamp” on top of it. BoB went for a rub, a column of smoke poured out of the spout and Yasser Imaphat the Djinn appeared. “Hey guys long time no company. Too bad for yous but no wishes this time, try again in a thousand years. There used to be a time when I could pop  those things out like a chicken lays eggs. But hey don’t frown ‘cuz you gots a new blue pal in ‘tha house – whoop whoop whaat whaaat boing boing! So let us get this party started.”


Bunny the Raconteur (T8) 126288 xp <160001> +10% CRT 1d20/II

            Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand

Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Sadhaka Girl (P5) 26649 xp <33200> +5% CRT 1d6/I

Biff Bartley the Half-Orc Thug (HO4) 13072 <14000> +5% CRT 1d12/II

‘BOB’ the Shadow Dancer (N5) 13132<22400> +5% CRT 1d14/II

Felix Ignatius Hemlock the Criminalist (I5) 12373<20001> +5% CRT 1d12/II



Woodeee the Elf (E4)

Mason the Cleric of Yrrrg. (C5)

Karl the Fighter Nobody Talks About (F4)

XXXX the Fighter of Colour Commentary (F3)

Yasser Imaphat the Djinn (D?)



Sammox the man-at-arms

Hillwin the torch-bearer

Goldash the man-at-arms

Harstad the torch-bearer


Elapsed Campaign Time

265 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation) 

Join us for session One-Hundred-and-Eighteen ‘I’ when we ask the questions:

Why is there a coffin at the bottom of the pit?

What evil lurks deeper in this complex?

Should we paint more?

Tale of the Tape

Two more meatshields moved beyond the pale.

Woodeee painted a new chum to life

Yasser Imaphat the djinn was awoken and seems game to hang awhile


Velvet Rope  50

Crab Spiders (3) 124

Hook Horrors (2) 500

Malikseer the Magician (MU7) 250


7 gp

Potion of water breathing (2)

Potion of Stone Giant Control

Gold Pillow


Yasser Imaphat the Djinn (1); hp 22
AC 5; MV 9/24; HD 7+1; ML 12
ATT: strike or whirlwind
DAM: 2d6-1 or special (see below)
Special: May carry up to 6,000 g.p. weight. May go gaseous, or summon a whirlwind twice per day (30’ range). May return to lamp at will. The whirlwind will kill and sweep away any creatures of 2 HD or below. Others take 2d6-1 hit points of damage per round. Area of effect 5’ radius (four squares).


D8 Lvl 4 as Elf (13000) S:11 D:16 C:17 I:9 W:14 C:15 


Sunday, 3 July 2022

Girls Vacation Interrupted Again (Session 118g)

 SESSION 118g: When in Doubt Walk Away and Find a New Challenge 

NOTE: For this adventure I changed things up and used a notable amount of the room descriptions directly from the adventure - UR1: Tomb of the Sea Kings by the Scribes of Sparn (L. Bennett & J. Johnson). 

So a couple of things: 

    1) I am happy to take an axe to a lot of the 'pasted' material upon request by the author's.

    2) Another micro-review: I really like the wackiness and unusual found in the adventures created by the Scribes, waiting for the chance to drop SS1 and XQ1 onto our map. We had a great time playing this, the players were regularly confounded and forced to revel in Old School nuttiness - that one will observe if they follow this series of side sessions. If memory serves I only needed to do one little tweak towards the end of the adventure as it was a 'gotcha' with an undesirable outcome for the larger campaign and I am not talking death, I don't care when that occurs. UR1 - Old School with a bullet. Read on to learn how an excellent adventure unfolds. 

            The hyaqueous vault stumped us. Time loops and giant sized loot was too much of a headache to solve. So, we said screw-it and headed back to Helix. We were not afforded much time to rest and relax as a new mission hit the deck.

Back at the Flowers Tart for some refreshing ales Bunny's respite from dungeon crawling was once more sent on an alternative path. Brett & Germaine our kobold chums and current tavern employees stepped up and shared some info. Hey boss lady, you see that dork in the corner?” (they point to a nervous looking man, pacing in the corner.) “He wants to speak to the  Heroes of Helix about a job.” Hey was a plain fellow dressed plainly whom was plainly  covered in a tan coloured dust. Bunny let out a grumble and sent Felix and Biff to talk with the stiff. "Nobody likes Felix so that should get rid of him", she chuckled to Bob - whom simply nodded as she is apt to do. Felix and Biff approached it was obvious the dude very anxious and not accustomed to being in such a laid back tavern in the wilderlands. 

 “Hhhellllo, my name is Perseus Dab. I am an archaeologist's assistant. I am seeking to hire a party of adventurers to locate an object for my boss. Our dig is about a mile outside of town to the east. Follow the road towards Ironguard Motte and I will meet you at the cross bridge. From there, our dig location must remain a secret. I can answer no more questions, everything you need to know will be answered by my boss overmorrow... I will meet you at the cross bridge an hour after sunrise.” 

Biff knew that this kind of dork was exactly the kind of dork that Felix attracts and he knew that Felix would not shut up until they took the mission. He was right. Bunny saw his scowl as they returned to the table and she knew the vacation was once interrupted again..

"Looks like we need to do some recruiting" began Felix before trailing off into his normal blah blah blah. Brett & Jermaine quickly found three other murderhobos currently furloughing in Helix as the rest of their group recovers from a recent ambush. In exchange for a treasure share Bunny hired a cleric, fighter and an Elf. Nobody mentioned our luck with Elves. We then directed Brett and Jermaine to find a few more meatshields to round out our group. They provided us with three men-at-arms and two torch-bearers/ porters. 

The time came and we hit the road. Arriving at the noted place a small cross bridge on the main road, Perseus Dab was there, delighted to see everyone. “Follow me!”  as he began to cut swiftly through the woods. About 300 yards in, the woods opened onto a large archeological dig. In the middle was a large tent. 

Entering the encampment there were picks, shovels, sifters, and tables full of artifacts. A tall, thin man in robes was barking orders at the workers around him: “Don't step on that platform! These go outside!” When he turned and notice the party his demeanour quickly changed. “Greetings and welcome! Please have a seat.” There were no seats just sand, looks like this guy is familiar with MurderHobo life.

“My name is Nap Talfor. I am a scholar and archeologist. Let me tell you a little about what we are doing here. We have located an ancient entrance to the great lost Tomb of the Sea Kings, where there is said to be an object of great power and importance. I have been hired by a king of the west (who chooses to remain unnamed) to find this entrance, and retrieve the object from the tombs. It is rumored that great treasures lie within, and you may have all you can carry. I ask only for this one thing: a black sword engraved upon the blade with a legged serpent. But be warned! Do not touch this sword! I have already sent one party in, but it has been nearly a week and no one has seen or heard from them. So, if you choose to go on this quest, there is the platform. It is a portal which will take you to the tombs.“ 

"Sea Kings? Where is the sea? Shouldn't this tomb be somewhere else?", grumbled Biff. 

"The world changes my green associate. What once was a sea is now a swamp and what is a mountain may one day be a sea" Felix was just warming up and we all knew it.

Biff proceeded to noisily maintain his arms and armour so as not to hear the rest.

After some pissy nitpicking from Bunny we moved to the teleportation platform and entered the Tomb of the Sea Kings. We found ourselves in a grand hall. A large octagonal, star-shaped room with a 10' x 10' raised platform in the center of the room. This platform is the portal-way to and from the archeological dig. Each star point is a narrowing stairway that descends 30' to a small black, wooden door with a pull ring. On the south wall of the room is a set of large double doors of black granite with black pull-rings. Before the doors were the bodies of two men in leather armour. Their chests had a large burned hole in them. A 2' silver sphere is set into the wide frame above the doors. Bunny didn’t like the look of the big door and went to check out one of the others. The first opened to a wall and not much else, let us try another. Another wall but this time a black seagull materialized, flew across the chamber and disintegrated and so did one of Bunny’s prized items. Now our girl was more than a little pissed. “screw this let’s check the big doors out before things get any worse”. When Bunny approached the doors a crimson, horned demon-face will appear and speak the words: 

“Halt, ye who would enter the Tomb of the Sea Kings. Why do you seek audience with the dead?” 

“We are here to steal all the treasure!”, this proved to be the wrong answer as bolts of energy shot from the eyes of the phantasmal face slammed into Bunny - "what the shit! I was supposed to be on vacation with a nearly naked purple girl". Nara couldn't really console Bunny so they all just made a run through the doors. A long, 20' wide corridor with walls that rose far into the darkness. Large metal plaques were spaced at intervals along the walls. 

HALL OF TOMBS: The plaques bore names and dates. Presumably of long dead Sea Kings, our guys didn't really care much for the history lesson. Well Felix did but definitely no one else. About 70' further west down the corridor was a 20' wide, clear flowing stream that required navigation to contiune. 

THE RIVER: The stream appeared to be about 15' to 20' deep with a good strong flow to it. At the bottom 40 to 50 coins of various type were seen. The gang were already edgy after the entry chamber and assessed the stream as more than it appeared. Bunny elected to drop a coin in, the river became magically still and firm, and the party crossed by walking over its surface. 

THE VELVET STANCHION: 20' beyond the stream is a passage leading to the north blocked by a red velvet rope supported by two upright metal stands. A sign hangs from the rope - NO ENTRY. There was a door on the west wall. 

STYGIAN TOMBS: The 10' wide passage east of this point is distinctly Stygian in design. Rows of hieroglyphs lined the walls. There were more large plaques set into the walls, this time composed of great squares of stone, bearing curious glyphs and pictograms. The corridor widens out to a 20' x 20' area. There were more more stone plaques here, and 3 large stone benches. The hobos elected to screw with nothing, for the moment.

MUMMY OFFERING ROOM: A large triangular room with Stygian carvings and glyphs on the walls. In the centre of the room were 3 large sarcophagi laying in a triangular formation. In the gap between the sarcophagi was a pile of coins, flowers, antlers, and various other offerings. Our disturbance triggered mummies from their stony coffins. There was fighting and BoB was infected with mummy rot, fortunately we had a berry for just that problem. We had nothing to fix the absence of any real loot in the room. The chamber seemed to be a dead end (or should have been…) and so they turned around to return to the velvet rope. All of our noise however had attracted a horde of ghasts that demanded blood for the blood god. It was at this point we lost our first henchman of this adventure – Belck the Craven Possessor of No Special Knowledge was torn into itty bitty pieces. The random encounter ended in the hobos favour but they took a beating and injuries were mounting. It was decided that they should fall back to the surface and regroup. 

Nap Talfor was not pleased to see their return so quickly and without 'The Thing' to show for it. Our Hobos explained the situation, he very grudgingly accepted the account and delay. Time for a rest and then back into the pit.



Bunny the Raconteur (T8) 125505 xp <160001> +10% CRT 1d20/II

            Light wound: permanent loss of pinky finger, off hand

Nara the Nearly Naked Purple Sadhaka Girl (P5) 25866 xp <33200> +5% CRT 1d6/I

Biff Bartley the Half-Orc Thug (HO4) 12289 <14000> +5% CRT 1d12/II

‘BOB’ the Shadow Dancer (N5) 12349<22400> +5% CRT 1d14/II

Felix Ignatius Hemlock the Criminalist (I5) 11590<20001> +5% CRT 1d12/II


Elapsed Campaign Time

262 days at beginning of session (also applies to recuperation) 

Join us for session One-Hundred-and-Eighteen ‘H’ when we ask the questions:

Will we be smarter on the second run?

Where is the treasure?

Is Bunny becoming Ding-We and if so is that a good thing?

Tale of the Tape

We are back to losing meatshields, Belck the (Wo)man-at-arms was torn to pieces by a ghast


Eelman 20

Mummies (3) 2580

Ghasts (6) 1140


Huge crystal chalice (1’)  500 gp

Black iron and gem fragments 1800 gp

8 gp